~ TorahWay London - Golders Green ~
Sunday & Bank Holiday 9.10-9.40am / Monday-Friday 8.30-9.00am / Chol Hamoed 10.10-11.00am
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Sun 16/2/2025 |
Rabbi Simchy Jakubowicz
"Megillas Esther"
Mon 17/2/2025 |
Rabbi Eliyohu Hye
"Looking at a רשע"
Tue 18/2/2025 |
Rabbi Shmuly Noe
"Can a Yid be a Shabbos Goy?"
Wed 19/2/2025 |
Rabbi Rashi Simon
"Love Your Enemy"
Thu 20/2/2025 |
Rabbi Binyomin Marks
"Peiros Part 2"
Fri 21/2/2025 |
Rabbi Gary Bazak
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 5/1/2025 |
Rabbi Yaakov Sadigh
"Temporary redemptions en route to the ultimate salvation"
Mon 6/1/2025 |
Rabbi Zelig Winegarten
"Finding positivity in all circumstances"
Tue 7/1/2025 |
Rabbi Doniel Low
"Eruvin Explained Part 6: Eruv in Reshus Harabim"
Wed 8/1/2025 |
Rabbi Yisroel Fine
"The life and Torah of the Ohr Hachaim Hakodosh"
Thu 9/1/2025 |
Dayan Danny Kada
"Parshas Vayechi: Yissochor Zevulun Partnerships"
Fri 10/1/2025 |
Reb Yankey Wiesenfeld
"Golus Yid"
Sun 8/12/2024 |
Rabbi Dovid Simon
"Wearing a Tallis from Bar Mitzvah"
Mon 9/12/2024 |
Rabbi Shlomo Reich
"מתאוה הקב'ה לתפלתן של צדיקים"
Tue 10/12/2024 |
Rabbi Shmuel Kaufman
"Mincha after being Mekabel Shabbos"
Wed 11/12/2024 |
HaRav Yitzchock Ehrenfeld
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 12/12/2024 |
Dayan Dovid Siemiatycki
"The Urgency of Writing A Halachic Will"
Fri 13/12/2024 |
Rabbi Dovid Kaplan
"פרשת וישלח"
Sun 3/11/2024 |
Dayan Yosef Greenwald
"מצות ישוב ארץ ישראל"
Mon 4/11/2024 |
Rabbi Benny Blau
"The Original Vegans - Part 2"
Tue 5/11/2024 |
Rabbi Doniel Low
"Eruvin Explained: Part 1 - What is an Eruv?"
Wed 6/11/2024 |
Rabbi Binyomin Chody
"Halocha Inyan"
Thu 7/11/2024 |
Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok Schwartz
"The Nisyonos of Eretz Yisroel"
Fri 8/11/2024 |
Rabbi Mordechai Weiss
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 20/10/2024 |
HaRav Shlomo Freshwater
"Sukkos Inyan"
Mon 21/10/2024 |
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Sukkos Theme"
Tue 22/10/2024 |
Rabbi Meir Zev Rapoport
"Mezuza on a Ship"
Sun 6/10/2024 |
Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Grossnass
"צום גדליה"
Mon 7/10/2024 |
Rabbi Berel Knopfler
"Inyonei D'Yoma"
Tue 8/10/2024 |
Rabbi Nosson Burstein
"Topical Theme"
Wed 9/10/2024 |
Rabbi Aharon Bassous
"Teshuva & יום הכיפורים"
Thu 10/10/2024 |
Dayan Yossi David
"הלכות יום הכיפורים"
Fri 11/10/2024 |
Rabbi Shaul Yedidya Taub
"יום הכיפורים"
Sun 9/6/2024 |
Dayan Aharon Dovid Dunner
"Gadlus Hafotzas haTorah"
Sun 9/6/2024 |
Rabbi Chaim Yossef Dovid Weinberg
"Mishna Brura Chelek Gimmel Pesichah"
Mon 10/6/2024 |
Rabbi Dovid Halpern
Tue 11/6/2024 |
Rabbi Chaim Gross
"Talmud Torah: Like No Other Mitzvah"
Fri 14/6/2024 |
Rabbi Yehoshua Frickers
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 18/2/2024 |
Rabbi Shmuel Schwarz
"Making a place for Hashem within yourself"
Mon 19/2/2024 |
Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok Schwartz
"Purim - The Chag for Strengthening Our Families"
Tue 20/2/2024 |
Rabbi Shaya Chissik
"Why Moshe hid his name"
Wed 21/2/2024 |
Rabbi Zvi Heimann
"Simcha on פורים קטן"
Thu 22/2/2024 |
Rabbi Pinchos Tzvi Adler
"Purim & Rav Eli Munks Shmoine Esrei"
Fri 23/2/2024 |
Rabbi Meir Zev Rapoport
"פורים קטן"
Sun 31/12/2023 |
Dayan Shmuel Simon
"Topical Theme"
Mon 1/1/2024 |
Rabbi Raphy Garson
"Gaza Casualties: Collateral damage in Jewish thought and tradition"
Tue 2/1/2024 |
Rabbi Mordechai Willig
"Halachic Issues from the war in Eretz Yisroel"
Wed 3/1/2024 |
Rabbi Moshe Fhima
Thu 4/1/2024 |
Rabbi Yehuda Benchemhoun
"Topical Theme"
Fri 5/1/2024 |
Rabbi Benjy Morgan
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 24/12/2023 |
Rabbi Shloime Yitzchok Bixenspanner
"The History of Shul Refurbishments"
Mon 25/12/2023 |
Rabbi Elchonon Goldblatt
"Topical Theme"
Mon 25/12/2023 |
Rabbi Gavriel Tatz
"Taking the law into your own hands: what, when & how"
Mon 25/12/2023 |
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Wrapping Up Sefer Bereishis"
Tue 26/12/2023 |
Rabbi Dovid Lichtig
"Parshas Vayechi"
Tue 26/12/2023 |
Rabbi Efrayim Pearlman
"Topical Theme"
Tue 26/12/2023 |
Rabbi Chaim Pearlman
"Is it ever permited not to tell the truth?"
Wed 27/12/2023 |
Dayan Moshe Dovid Elzas
"Yayin Mevushal"
Thu 28/12/2023 |
Rabbi Amram Landau
"It's a sheim"
Fri 29/12/2023 |
Rabbi Dov Fisher
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 5/11/2023 |
Dayan Dovid Shlomo Englander
"Topical Theme"
Sun 5/11/2023 |
Rabbi Betzalel Wachsman
"Topical Theme"
Sun 5/11/2023 |
Rabbi Dovid Halpern
"Topical Theme"
Sun 24/9/2023 |
Rabbi Dovid Sulzbacher
"Human angels on Yom Kippur"
Sun 24/9/2023 |
Rabbi Yehudah Boruch Lieberman
"Yom Kippur"
Tue 26/9/2023 |
Rabbi Zecharia Bixenspanner
"Mitzvas Lulav - אחיזה or נטילה?"
Wed 27/9/2023 |
Rabbi Avi Adler
"Topical Theme"
Thu 28/9/2023 |
Rabbi Shmuly Noe
"Kibud Av Ve'em vs sleeping in the Sukkah"
Fri 29/9/2023 |
Rabbi Yehuda Benchemhoun
"The Arbah Minim from a different dimension"
Sun 22/11/2020 |
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman
"Topical Theme"
Mon 23/11/2020 |
Rabbi Amram Landau
"There IS an "i" in Onoichi"
Tue 24/11/2020 |
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Topical Theme"
Wed 25/11/2020 |
Dayan Dovid Cohn
"Pickup and Deliveries on Shabbos"
Thu 26/11/2020 |
Rabbi Dovid Stern
"Yakov tiken Tefillas Arvis"
Fri 27/11/2020 |
Rabbi Yaakov Aronovitz
"Parshas Vayeitzei"
Sun 15/11/2020 |
Rabbi Zalman Krasnow
"Kiyem Avrohom Ovenu Afilu..."
Mon 16/11/2020 |
Rabbi Natan Kahlani
"Parsha Theme"
Tue 17/11/2020 |
Rabbi Elchonon Goldblatt
"Inyonei DeYoma"
Wed 18/11/2020 |
Rabbi Shlomi Wise
"Nosein Taam Lifgam - Part 2"
Thu 19/11/2020 |
Rabbi Danny Kada
"Seven Major Differences in Hilchos Shabbos between Ashkenazim and Sephardim Part 2"
Fri 20/11/2020 |
Rabbi Jeremy Golker
"Parshas Toldos"
Sun 8/11/2020 |
Rabbi Binyomin Chody
"May I join a Minyan over Zoom?"
Mon 9/11/2020 |
Rabbi Shlomi Wise
"Nosein Taam Lifgam - Honey and Oil"
Tue 10/11/2020 |
Rabbi Eliyahu Hye
"Birchas Hagomel"
Wed 11/11/2020 |
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Topical Theme"
Thu 12/11/2020 |
Rabbi Avi Hill
"Why Pray?"
Fri 13/11/2020 |
Rabbi Reuven Atlas
"Parshas Chayei Soroh"
Sun 1/11/2020 |
Rabbi Aharon Bassous
"The Importance of Shabbos Kodesh"
Sun 1/11/2020 |
Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Blau
"The Menuchoh and Simcha: The Light of Shabbos"
Sun 1/11/2020 |
Rabbi Yonatan Tawil
"Shabbos - what's your lucky number?"
Thu 5/11/2020 |
A Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Parshas Vayeiro: Bris Millah and Refuoh"
Thu 5/11/2020 |
A Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Akiva Tatz
"The Secret of Shabbat"
Sun 1/11/2020 |
Rabbi Aharon Bassous
"The Importance of Shabbos Kodesh"
Sun 1/11/2020 |
Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Blau
"The Menuchoh and Simcha: The Light of Shabbos"
Sun 1/11/2020 |
Rabbi Yonatan Tawil
"Shabbos - what's your lucky number?"
Mon 2/11/2020 |
Rabbi Danny Kada
"Seven Major Differences in Hilchos Shabbos between Ashkenazim and Sephardim"
Tue 3/11/2020 |
Rabbi Moshe Halpern
"How many Shabbos candles does one need to light?"
Wed 4/11/2020 |
Rabbi Naftali Schiff
"Vayeiro: Chinuch Bonim - Home but not Alone"
Thu 5/11/2020 |
Dayan Elimelech Vanzetta
"Kovod Shabbos"
Thu 5/11/2020 |
A Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Parshas Vayeiro: Bris Millah and Refuoh"
Thu 5/11/2020 |
A Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Akiva Tatz
"The Secret of Shabbat"
Fri 6/11/2020 |
Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Grossnass
"Parshas Vayeirah"
Sun 25/10/2020 |
Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence
"Understanding the Mabul: Part 2"
Mon 26/10/2020 |
Rabbi Osher Baddiel
"Parsha Theme"
Tue 27/10/2020 |
Rabbi Eli Pick
"The Monotheism of Avrohom Ovinu"
Wed 28/10/2020 |
Rabbi Danny Kirsch
"Why Guests?"
Thu 29/10/2020 |
Rabbi Yitzchok Weitz
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 30/10/2020 |
Rabbi Gershon Dunner
"Parshas Lech Lecha"
Sun 18/10/2020 |
Rabbi Moshe Levy
"Parsha Theme"
Mon 19/10/2020 |
Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Raskin
"Panorama of Halacha"
Tue 20/10/2020 |
Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence
"Topical Theme"
Wed 21/10/2020 |
Rabbi Yossi David
Thu 22/10/2020 |
Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
"Noach: An Island in the Storm"
Fri 23/10/2020 |
Rabbi Aryeh Reifer
"Parshas Noach"
Tue 13/10/2020 |
Rabbi Hershel Hager
"Dementia in Halocha"
Wed 14/10/2020 |
Rabbi Gary Bazak
"Forgot Mashiv Horuach, now what?"
Thu 15/10/2020 |
Rabbi Mordechai Weiss
"Topical Theme"
Fri 16/10/2020 |
Rabbi Binyomin Grun
"Parshas Bereishis"
Mon 5/10/2020 |
Rabbi Shimon Gurwicz
"Sukkos Theme"
Mon 5/10/2020 |
HaBochur Shloime Weissbraun
"Stolen Schach"
Tue 6/10/2020 |
Dayan Dovid Dunner
"Sukkos Theme"
Tue 6/10/2020 |
HaBochur Meir Katz
"Simchas Torah - Smile please!"
Wed 7/10/2020 |
Rabbi Shloime Yitzchok Bixenspanner
"Sukkos Theme"
Wed 7/10/2020 |
HaBochur Yisroel Segal
"Mitzvoh Haboh Beaveiroh"
Thu 8/10/2020 |
Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater
"Sukkos Theme"
Thu 8/10/2020 |
HaBochur Solly Levy
"Did the Ovos sit in Sukkos?"
Mon 12/10/2020 |
Rabbi Gedaliyah Leiberman
"Topical Theme"
CLICK POSTER to see full details
CLICK POSTER to see full details
Sun 15/3/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi David
"Ki Sisoh, Pesach, and The Coronovirus"
Mon 16/3/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Birchas Hailonos In Halocho and Aggodoh"
Tue 17/3/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gershon Dunner
"Hilchos Brochos Part 7: Birchas Hagomel"
Wed 18/3/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mordechai Weiss
"What is the real vaccine for Coronavirus?"
Thu 19/3/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Hershel Hager
"Computer Virus & Coronavirus"
Fri 20/3/2020 |
Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Grossnass
"Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei"
Sun 1/3/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
"Rebbi Meir and the soul of Megilas Esther"
Mon 2/3/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shmuel Nosson Greenberg
"Veosu Li Mikdosh"
Tue 3/3/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Danny Kada
"Tabaas Sheulah: what to do when the wedding ring goes missing"
Wed 4/3/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Verbov
"Chayiv Inush Libesumei"
Thu 5/3/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Amrom Nemeth
"Hagolas Keilim Part 2"
Fri 6/3/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Benjy Morgan
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 23/2/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Boruch Dzialowski
"Is it mutter to wear a borrowed pair of tefilin"
Mon 24/2/2020 |
Rabbi Akiva Teichtal
"Charity begins at home… but where does it end?"
Tue 25/2/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Yankey Wiesenfeld
"Tal uMottor - on Shabbos!"
Wed 26/2/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi David Cohen
"Purim and Chinuch"
Thu 27/2/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zev Dunner
"Questions and answers on the subject of mistakes in brochos"
Fri 28/2/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehuda Levin
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 2/2/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yaakov Schoemann
"How to spend your money wisely"
Mon 3/2/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yoel Rabin
"Hallel on Rosh Chodesh"
Tue 4/2/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Rapoport
"Halochos Related to Driving"
Wed 5/2/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Halpern
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 6/2/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shlomi Wise
"Common Kashrus Questions"
Fri 7/2/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Hershel Hager
"Hiddur Mitzvah"
Sun 12/1/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Michoel Scharf
"Mevushal Wine Status"
Mon 13/1/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Heckscher
"Ashrei Yoshevei Veisecha"
Tue 14/1/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Don Kaufman
"Neginos and details within Shemos"
Wed 15/1/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gershon Dunner
"Hilchos Brochos Part 5: Birchas Shehakol"
Thu 16/1/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence
"Golus - Descent...Ascent"
Fri 17/1/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Rowe
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 5/1/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Reuven Atlas
"Reuven - Reishis Oini"
Mon 6/1/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Eli Brunner
"Kiddush Levoneh"
Tue 7/1/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Eli Benveniste
"Appreciating Ashrei"
Wed 8/1/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Eli Pick
"What happened on the 9th of Teves?"
Thu 9/1/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Raphael Goldblatt
"Halachic Topic"
Fri 10/1/2020 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Yoni Rosenfeld
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 15/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Moshe Blau
"The Chanukah Candles Illuminate the Darkness of Golus"
Mon 16/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yeshaya Stroh
"Who Can Join a Minyan?"
Tue 17/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gershon Dunner
"Hilchos Brochos Part 4: Latkes and applesauce"
Wed 18/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Danny Kada
"Black Widow: Din Katlanis"
Thu 19/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Adam Edwards
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 20/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zechariya Sprung
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 8/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Meir Zev Rapoport
"Ner Chanuka - Mehadrin Min Hamehadrin"
Mon 9/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dov Birnbaum
"The Coca Cola Kashrus Controversy"
Tue 10/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avi Sharman
"Neiros Chanuka"
Wed 11/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Pearlman
"Mishum Eivoh and Darkei Sholom"
Thu 12/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Topical Theme"
Fri 13/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yoel Aberman
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 1/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Boruch Dzialowski
"One who forgot Visein Tal Umotor during Mincha on Erev Shabbos"
Mon 2/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aaron Elias
"How does Yevomoh Niknis fit into the first Mishna of Kiddushin"
Tue 3/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gershon Dunner
"Hilchos Brochos Part 3: Beer smoothies and soups"
Wed 4/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Binyomin Marks
"Cheirem of Rabeinu Gershom"
Thu 5/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zelig Winegarten
"Mastery over ones emotions"
Fri 6/12/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Simcha Goldberg
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 24/11/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Levy
"A true understanding of Yitzchak's Brochos"
Mon 25/11/2019 |
Rabbi Emmanuel Patcas
"Is there a chiyuv to wash hands after touching one's arm whilst putting on Tefillin?"
Tue 26/11/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shlomi Wise
"Pas and Bishul Yisroel - Old vs Modern, Part 2"
Wed 27/11/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Pinchos Hackenbroch
"Topical Theme"
Thu 28/11/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi Goldberg
"Chukas HaGoy: Is wearing a poppy permitted? And other questions"
Fri 29/11/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mordechai Weiss
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 27/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitzchok Spitzer
"Ketanei Emunah"
Mon 28/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yom Tov Sanger
"Halachick Topic"
Tue 29/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Hool
"Yediah and Bechiroh - The Shloh's answer"
Wed 30/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Rafi Brodie
"Are Rainbows Scary?"
Thu 31/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shmuel Kimche
"Hidden predictions in the Torah?"
Fri 1/11/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Joseph Pearlman
"Parsha Theme"
Wed 16/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shloime Yitzchok Bixenspanner
"Sukkos Theme"
Wed 16/10/2019 |
HaBochur Dovi Freilich
"Sukkos Topic"
Thu 17/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Rowe
"Sukkos Theme"
Thu 17/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaBochur Zevi Erlanger
"Mitzvas Yeshivas Sukkah"
Fri 18/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi David
"Sukkos Theme"
Fri 18/10/2019 |
HaBochur Yossi Schnitzer
"Sukkos Topic"
Wed 23/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Lasting lessons from Yom tuv"
Thu 24/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Malcolm Herman
"Was creation of mankind a good idea?"
Fri 25/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Freshwater
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 6/10/2019 |
Rabbi Moshe Levy
"Yona and the Message of Yom Kippur"
Mon 7/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Shmuel Simons
"Hamelech Hakodosh!"
Tue 8/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehudah Boruch Lieberman
"Rain stops play? The dinim of Yordo Geshomim"
Thu 10/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Guttenag
"Rain stops play? The dinim of Yordo Geshomim"
Fri 11/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Berel Knopfler
"Topical Theme"
Sun 13/10/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Sulzbacher
"Hallel with Music"
Thu 3/10/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 16: Hakhel"
Thu 3/10/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Yehudah Boruch Lieberman
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 26/9/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 13: Mezuzah"
Thu 26/9/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Mendy Chissick
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 22/9/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Topical Theme"
Mon 23/9/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Halpern
"Topical Theme"
Tue 24/9/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aharon Bassous
"How important is it for women to hear Shofar?"
Wed 25/9/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yaacov Benzaquen
"Tefillas Channah"
Thu 26/9/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence
"Tzaddik Gozer VeHKBH Mekayeim"
Fri 27/9/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Malcolm Herman
"Thoughts for the Yom Tov Table"
Thu 19/9/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 12: Tzitzis"
Thu 19/9/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Akiva Tatz
"Building the Self"
Thu 12/9/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 11: Tefillin"
Thu 12/9/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Akiva Tatz
"Elul - Getting back on track"
Sun 11/8/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Meir Zev Rapoport
"Tisha BeAv"
Mon 12/8/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi Cohen
"Lessons in Shema"
Tue 13/8/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Jeremy Golker
"Parsha Theme"
Wed 14/8/2019 |
Rabbi Ephraim Klyne
"Tu BeAv"
Thu 15/8/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Reuven Atlas
"Heker Shabbos"
Fri 16/8/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 8/8/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 11: Talmud Torah"
Thu 8/8/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Danny Kirsch
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 4/8/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehudah Landy
"The Bar Kochbah Revolt"
Mon 5/8/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Bunem Krausz
"Frequent Shaalos in Boirer on shabbos"
Tue 6/8/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Menachem Ostroff
"Yichud Hashem, A Halachic Analysis"
Wed 7/8/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zalman Krasnow
"Bilam and the Krakow cemetery"
Thu 8/8/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yonason Roodyn
"Techias Hameisim: Who on Earth is it for?"
Fri 9/8/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Akiva Tatz
"Shabbos, Yom Tov, Tisha BeAv"
Thu 1/8/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 10: Kriyas Shema"
Thu 1/8/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Amram Landau
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 25/7/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 9: Lekadesh Es Shemo to sanctify HIS Name"
Thu 25/7/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Gershon Dunner
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 18/7/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 7 and 8: An oath in the name of Hashem; Emulating Hashem"
Thu 18/7/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 14/7/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi David
"Maris Hoayin with food"
Mon 15/7/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Broch
"The Issur of Meat and Wine during the nine days"
Tue 16/7/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shloime Ehrlich
"The Next Level Emuna and Bitachon"
Wed 17/7/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Pearlman
"Halachic Topic"
Thu 18/7/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Pini Dunner
"Mourning Yerushalayim, 2,000 Years after its destruction"
Fri 19/7/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yisroel Faust
"Nevuas Moshe and Bilom: The differences and similarities"
Thu 11/7/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Emmanuel Patcas
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 4/7/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 6: Connecting to Talmidei Chachomim"
Thu 4/7/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Pinchos Hackenbroch
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 30/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaRav Zev Leff
"Topical Theme"
Mon 1/7/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avigdor Brazil
"Veshinantom Levonechoh effort or results?"
Tue 2/7/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Michoel Sorotzkin
"Eretz Yisroel Pre and Post Cheit HaMeraglim"
Wed 3/7/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yosef Schischa
"Chinuch Halevi'im"
Thu 4/7/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Eisenberg
"The West Way?"
Fri 5/7/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Rowe
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 27/6/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 5: Serving Hashem/Tefilah"
Thu 27/6/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Grossnass
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 23/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yaakov Heifetz
"Topical Theme"
Mon 24/6/2019 |
Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Grossnass
"Halachic Topic"
Tue 25/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Levy
"Parsha Theme"
Wed 26/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yakov Rubin
"Topical Theme"
Thu 27/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi Goldberg
"Lessons from the Parsha"
Fri 28/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaRav Ezriel Yaffe
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 20/6/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 4: Yiras Hashem"
Thu 20/6/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Dov Fisher
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 16/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yechiel Feiner
"Diamonds, Antiques, Bitcoins and ..... Esrogim ... are they exempt from Onoah??"
Mon 17/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Naftoli Meir Lieberman
"Is teaching Torah my obligation or is learning enough?"
Tue 18/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shloime Mannes
"Bosor BeCholov"
Wed 19/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Pinchos Hackenbroch
"Setting the World on Fire"
Thu 20/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitzchok Weitz
"Understanding the Misonenim"
Fri 21/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Nosson Heifetz
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 13/6/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 3: Yiras Hashem"
Thu 13/6/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Gershon Dunner
"Parsha Theme"
Tue 11/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zalman Roth
"The Key to the Aseres Hadibros: Taam Elyon and Taam Tachtoin"
Wed 12/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Binyomin Chody
"Yissochor and Zevulun - Your learning and Livelihood"
Thu 13/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yoel Rabinowitz
"Topical Theme"
Fri 14/6/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Ephraim Hochhauser
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 6/6/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 2: Yichud Hashem"
Thu 6/6/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Jeremy Golker
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 30/5/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefer Hamitzvos leRambam - Mitzvah 1: Belief in Hashem"
Thu 30/5/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Parshas Bechukosai"
Sun 19/5/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shoul Dolinger
"Pesach Sheini"
Mon 20/5/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Roberts
"The Omer and Kovod Hatorah"
Tue 21/5/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Doniel Schonfeld
"Halachic Topic"
Wed 22/5/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yeshaya Schlesinger
"Sefiras HaOmer Hachona leShevuos"
Thu 23/5/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
"Lag BeOmer"
Thu 23/5/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Meir Zev Rapoport
"Lag BeOmer"
Fri 24/5/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shaul Strom
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 16/5/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Yaakov Hamer
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 9/5/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Sefiras Haomer"
Sun 5/5/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yosef Gerber
"Relax, it will happen anyway!"
Mon 6/5/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Chanoch Friedman
"More Shaalos on Choshen Mishpot"
Tue 7/5/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Alternative Medicine"
Wed 8/5/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Heckscher
"The Month of May"
Thu 9/5/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Baron
"The Power of Iyar"
Fri 10/5/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Joseph Pearlman
"Setting up a Kehillo based on The Aseres Hadibros"
Sun 14/4/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zalman Krasnow
"Blood Libels"
Mon 15/4/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
"The 4 Sons: Which One Are You?"
Tue 16/4/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Rapoport
"Pesach: Obligation of Women in the Mitzvos of Leil HaSeder"
Wed 17/4/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aaron Hersh
"Yochol Merosh Chodesh"
Thu 18/4/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Eytan Jacob
"A Shomer's Responsibility for Chometz"
Fri 19/4/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Sulzbacher
"What happens after the Seder?"
Thu 11/4/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Part 3: All the halachos you need to know for your seder table"
Thu 4/4/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Guttentag
"Pesach cleaning made easy - Part 2"
Sun 31/3/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Alan Kimche
"Breaking the Middle Matzah"
Mon 1/4/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Michoel Jablinowitz
"Eating Maror"
Tue 2/4/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Ephraim Pearlman
"Parsha Theme"
Wed 3/4/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Dovid Cohn
"Mechiras Chometz for Shops and Wholesalers"
Thu 4/4/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Malcolm Herman
"Hagodah Insights for a Table of all Ages"
Fri 5/4/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yoel Aberman
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 14/3/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Insights in the Meggila - Part 2"
Sun 10/3/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aron Springer
"Can One daven Mincha after Shekiya?"
Mon 11/3/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shea Chaitovsky
"More on Megillas Esther"
Tue 12/3/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Chazorah, Chazorah, Chazorah and then... MORE Chazorah"
Wed 13/3/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Halpern
"Purim and Megillas Esther"
Thu 14/3/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Don Kaufman
"The Order of the Paragraphs within Sefer Vayikroh"
Fri 15/3/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gabi Kruskal
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 7/3/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Insights in the Meggila - Part 1"
Thu 14/3/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Insights in the Meggila - Part 2"
Thu 28/2/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 24/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yom Tov Sanger
"A borrowed Megillah that was destroyed in a fire - who is Chayav?"
Mon 25/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mordechai Weiss
"Topical Theme"
Tue 26/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence
"Halachic Topic"
Wed 27/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Elimelech Vanzetta
"'Where does this train come from?' - Ma'aseh Shabbos in building the new train tracks in Israel"
Thu 28/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yaakov Yaffe
Fri 1/3/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehudah Yonah Rubinstein
"Is there a Mitzva to always be happy?"
Thu 21/2/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Ribbis: Problems and Solutions"
Sun 17/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gavriel Knopfler
"Topical Theme"
Mon 18/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shloime Miller
"Ein Hadovor Tolui Elah Be"
Tue 19/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Rowe
"What comes first Shabbos or the Mishkan?"
Wed 20/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Gross
"A Big Question on Kiddush"
Thu 21/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Josh Frankel
"Pitum Haketores explained"
Fri 22/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 14/2/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Contracts: Common Issues that arise and how to handle them"
Thu 21/2/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Ribbis: Problems and Solutions"
Sun 10/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Boruch Dzialowski
"The Emergency Tachanun Shailo"
Mon 11/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yisroel Meir Chissick
"Adar Alef or Adar Beis?"
Tue 12/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Guttentag
"Ovens on Shabbos"
Wed 13/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Verbov
"Purim Koton: Reason to celebrate or is it just a regular day?"
Thu 14/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Rowe
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 15/2/2019 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zalman Roth
"The Choshen: What Did it Actually Look Like?"
Thu 7/2/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Business Ethics: Honouring Commitments, Gazumping and other matters"
Thu 14/2/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Contracts: Common Issues that arise and how to handle them"
Thu 21/2/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Ribbis: Problems and Solutions"
Thu 31/1/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Emmanuel Patcas
"Contemporary Shabbos issues - Halocha Shiur"
Thu 31/1/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Aaron Jacobson
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Mishpotim"
Thu 24/1/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Dov Fisher
"Contemporary Shabbos issues - Halocha Shiur"
Thu 24/1/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Shmuli Sagal
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Yisro"
Thu 17/1/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Gershon Dunner
"Contemporary Shabbos issues - Halocha Shiur"
Thu 17/1/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Moshe Levy
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Beshalach"
Thu 10/1/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Contemporary Shabbos issues - Halocha Shiur"
Thu 10/1/2019 |
Taste of Shabbos -
HaRav Zev Leff
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Bo"
Thu 20/12/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Meir Zev Rapoport
"Contemporary Shabbos issues - Halocha Shiur"
Thu 20/12/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Doniel Kleiman
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Vayigash"
Thu 13/12/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Aaron Hersh
"Contemporary Shabbos issues - Halocha Shiur"
Thu 13/12/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Grossnass
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Vayigash"
Sun 2/12/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mordechai Weiss
"A New Way of Life"
Mon 3/12/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Halpern
"Pearls of Chanuka"
Tue 4/12/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dr Moishe Dovid Spitzer
"The neglected level of Mehadrin"
Wed 5/12/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Yossef Dovid Weinberg
"Chanuka Theme"
Thu 6/12/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dov Ber Cowan
Thu 6/12/2018 |
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman
"The involvement of the Kehuna in the miracles of Chanukah: The Inside Story"
Fri 7/12/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Alan Kimche
"Chanuka and Miketz"
Thu 29/11/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Dayan Yehonoson Hool
"Contemporary Shabbos issues - Halocha Shiur"
Thu 29/11/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Akiva Tatz
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Vayeishev"
Sun 25/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mordechai Nissim
"Topical Theme"
Mon 26/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky
"Chanukah: Illuminating the Darkness of Enlightenment"
Tue 27/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Reuven Lauffer
"Ufartzu Chomos Migdalai...But They Did not?!"
Wed 28/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Adam Edwards
"Who really sold Yosef??"
Thu 29/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Eli Brunner
"Is one allowed to change one's Nusach?"
Fri 30/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zechariya Sprung
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 22/11/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Contemporary Shabbos issues - Halocha Shiur"
Thu 22/11/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Jeremy Golker
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Vayishlach"
Thu 15/11/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Contemporary Shabbos issues - Halocha Shiur"
Thu 15/11/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Shloime Yitzchok Bixenspanner
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Vayeitzei"
Sun 11/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Zahn
"Asher bora sason visimcha"
Mon 12/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Don Kaufman
"The relationship between Yaakov and his wives"
Tue 13/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Menachem Lieberman
"Havdoloh - Till when can it be made?"
Wed 14/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Baron
"Insights of the Sfas Emes: The Human Sulam"
Thu 15/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Jeremy Golker
"Parsha Insights"
Fri 16/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yisroel Faust
"Maaser Kesofim - Who is giving to who?"
Thu 8/11/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Dov Fisher
"Contemporary Shabbos issues - Halocha Shiur - Questions of Refuah on Shabbos"
Thu 8/11/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Pinchos Hackenbroch
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Toldos"
Thu 1/11/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Guttentag
"Contemporary Shabbos issues - Halocha Shiur"
Thu 1/11/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Dovid Roberts
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Chayei Sara"
Sun 28/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Raphael Goldblatt
"Topical Theme"
Mon 29/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gedaliyah Leiberman
"Halachic Topic"
Tue 30/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Elimelech Vanzetta
"Topical Theme"
Wed 31/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Anthony Manning
"Davening at Kivrei Avos"
Thu 1/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shmuel Kimche
"The Four Keys"
Thu 1/11/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Guttentag
"Contemporary Shabbos issues - Halocha Shiur"
Thu 1/11/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Dovid Roberts
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Chayei Sara"
Fri 2/11/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Benjy Morgan
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 21/10/2018 |
Rabbi Yehudah Boruch Lieberman
"Parsha Theme"
Mon 22/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Just Two Shabbosos and we will all be Free"
Tue 23/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Rapoport
"The Reward of Shabbos"
Wed 24/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi David
Thu 25/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
"Shabbos: True Kindness"
Thu 25/10/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Contemporary Shabbos issues 'Lights, camera, action': Technology on Shabbos"
Thu 25/10/2018 |
Taste of Shabbos -
Dayan Yisroel Yaakov Lichtenstein
"Parsha Shiur - Parshas Vayeira"
Fri 26/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaRav Pinchos Breuer
"Bo Shabbos Bo Menucha - The Tranquility of Shabbos"
Sun 7/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Sefer HaYashar"
Mon 8/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zalman Krasnow
"Frits Warmolt Went and Hiddur Mitzvah"
Tue 9/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Rafi Brodie
"Staining Ones Soul to Save a Soul"
Wed 10/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yoinoson Royde
"Topical Theme"
Thu 11/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shmuel Baron
"Inyona DeYoma"
Fri 12/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Osher Sternbuch
"Parsha Theme"
Wed 26/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Akiva Tatz
"The Jewish Gene"
Wed 26/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Habochur Chaim Aryeh Aberman
"Sukkah Walls"
Thu 27/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shloime Yitzchok Bixenspanner
"Sukkos Topic"
Thu 27/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Habochur Avi Kraus
"An Esrog from under a Bed"
Fri 28/9/2018 |
Rabbi Meir Zev Rapoport
"Topical Theme"
Fri 28/9/2018 |
Habochur Shimon Cohen
"Time-delayed Nedorim"
Wed 3/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yonason Roodyn
"Topical Theme"
Thu 4/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Yoni Rosenfeld
"Mitzva of Simcha on Yom AND the rest of the year"
Fri 5/10/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Dunner
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 9/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Cohn
"Rosh Hashana Theme"
Wed 12/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Rashi Simon
"Lessons from Instagram"
Thu 13/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Levy
"The deeper message of Maftir Yona"
Thu 13/9/2018 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Blau
"Selichos - Part 5 & Yona Part 2"
Fri 14/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gedaliyah Leiberman
"Shabbos Shuva"
Sun 2/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Blau
"Selichos - Part 3 - Lecha Hashem HaTzedoka"
Mon 3/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Rosh Hashana: The Roots of the Tree"
Tue 4/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aharon Bassous
"The Significance of Hataras Nedarim before Rosh Hashana"
Wed 5/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Baron
"Insights of the Sfas Emes: Chodesh Elul"
Thu 6/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shlomo Miller
Thu 6/9/2018 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Blau
"Selichos - Part 4"
Fri 7/9/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Alan Kimche
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 19/8/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dov Fisher
"Gambling in Halacha"
Mon 20/8/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gershon Dunner
"Halacha or Superstition"
Tue 21/8/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gershon Dunner
"Halacha or Superstition"
Wed 22/8/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gershon Dunner
"Halacha or Superstition"
Thu 23/8/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gershon Dunner
"Halacha or Superstition"
Fri 24/8/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Meir Trepp
"Topical Theme"
Sun 8/7/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
"Sanctity of Speech"
Mon 9/7/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Tzvi Bakst
"What is better in battle: a bow and arrow or a sword?"
Tue 10/7/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shoul Dolinger
"The concept of time: More or less"
Wed 11/7/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zev Leff
"The Structure of the Three Weeks: Mourning for the Churban"
Thu 12/7/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mordechai Mays
"Connecting the 17th of Rammuz and Tisha BeAv"
Fri 13/7/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Leibish Heller
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 1/7/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi David
"17th of Tammuz"
Mon 2/7/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Grossnass
"Owning a dog: Don't worry, it won't bite"
Tue 3/7/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dr Sholom Springer
"Inyoneh Deyoma"
Wed 4/7/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Pearlman
"What constitutes tefilo betzibur?"
Thu 5/7/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shais Taub
"What is a true zealot?"
Fri 6/7/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Halpern
"Making Coffee on Shabbos"
Sun 24/6/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shmuel Goldberg
"Topical Theme"
Mon 25/6/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gedalia Klyne
"Zrizim Makdimim"
Tue 26/6/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Heller
"Bein Odom LeChaveiro"
Wed 27/6/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dov Birnbaum
"A Close Shave - Electric Shavers in Halocho"
Thu 28/6/2018 |
Rabbi Eliezer Heilpern
"Removing Cobwebs LeKovod Shabbos"
Fri 29/6/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Efraim Pines
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 17/6/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Heckscher
"The Secret of the Circle"
Mon 18/6/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Hershel Hager
"Poroh Adumoh - Doing the Taharoh at home"
Tue 19/6/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"The Cohen, The Cow - The inside story"
Wed 20/6/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shloime Klyne
"Shema After Nacht"
Thu 21/6/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Binyomin Rubin
"Deadly Serious"
Fri 22/6/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zalman Roth
"Was the Parah Adumah Red?"
Tue 22/5/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yosef Lewis
"Topical Theme"
Wed 23/5/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Elimelech Vanzetta
"Who is Behind the Wheel? Halachic Ramifications of a Driverless World"
Thu 24/5/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitzchok Weitz
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 25/5/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yisroel Faust
"Torah: Who carries whom?"
Sun 13/5/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Denderowicz
"Hachona LeKabolas HaTorah"
Mon 14/5/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff
"Bircas HaTorah - A Brocha of Hodaah!"
Tue 15/5/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld
"Shavuos Halochos and Inspiration"
Wed 16/5/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Gurwicz
"Eating milchik on Shavuos night"
Thu 17/5/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Benjy Morgan
"Shavuos 2018 - what's in it for me?"
Fri 18/5/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mendy Chissick
"Pischu Vionu Hashem Echod"
Sun 22/4/2018 |
Rabbi Yechiel Feiner
"Liability of the Rabbi, insurance broker and property manager who forgot!"
Mon 23/4/2018 |
Rabbi Shloime Mannes
"Bris Milah on Shabbos"
Tue 24/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Levy
"Inyona DeYoma"
Wed 25/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yaakov Rabin
"Kibud Av - Even if I Lose my Job?"
Thu 26/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dov Ber Cowan
"Topical Theme"
Fri 27/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yeshaya Schlesinger
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 15/4/2018 |
Rabbi Yosef Gerber
"I Thought I Knew"
Mon 16/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Katz
"Parsha Theme"
Tue 17/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Gershon Spitzer
"Topical Theme"
Wed 18/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Dovid Cohn
"Sefiras Ho'omer"
Thu 19/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Chanoch Friedman
"More Shaalos on Choshen Mishpot"
Fri 20/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaRav Pinchos Breuer
"Parsha Theme"
Mon 2/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater
"Pesach Theme"
Mon 2/4/2018 |
HaBochur Yitzchok Katz
"Free Together"
Tue 3/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Yossef Dovid Weinberg
"Supervision Cholov Akum with CCTV"
Tue 3/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaBochur Arieh Englard
"Mitzvos Chavilos Chavilos"
Wed 4/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shaul Strom
"Esav Sonei Es Yakov - Sibling Rivalry or Antisemitism?"
Wed 4/4/2018 |
HaBochur Yona Chontow
"Achila Matza Beones"
Thu 5/4/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shloime Yitzchok Bixenspanner
"Inyona Deyoma"
Thu 5/4/2018 |
HaBochur Yossi Calek
"BeInyan Chometz Gozal"
Sun 18/3/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aaron Hersh
"Pesach - Understanding the Numbers"
Mon 19/3/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Leibish Heller
"Halachic Topic"
Tue 20/3/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Ariel Abraham
"When Bnei Eretz Yisroel spend Yom Tov together with Bnei Chutz LoOretz - Some Practical Halochos"
Wed 21/3/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zalman Krasnow
"The Golem of Chelm and the Cloning Conundrum"
Thu 22/3/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aharon Bassous
"Avodas Leil Haseder"
Fri 23/3/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Rafi Cope
"When to make the Brochoh on the Yom Tov candles"
Sun 18/2/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yoel Rabin
"Tefilla Bemkom Korban and Tefillas Tashlumin"
Mon 19/2/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Bunem Krausz
"Tzeida (trapping) on Shabbos"
Tue 20/2/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Yankey Wiesenfeld
"Matisyohu Ben Yochanon II"
Wed 21/2/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Ezra Hartman
"Topical Theme"
Thu 22/2/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Elimelech Vanzetta
"Interesting Interest Shaylos - A Brief Overview of Ribbis"
Fri 23/2/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Rowe
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 21/1/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaRav Pinchos Breuer
"Topical Theme"
Mon 22/1/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Doniel Kaufman
Tue 23/1/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moishe Leitner
"Shochait - Netilas Neshama"
Wed 24/1/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Eli Pick
"Humour and Laughter"
Thu 25/1/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Benjy Morgan
"Yetzias Mitzrayim - The Secret To It All"
Fri 26/1/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Pinto
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 7/1/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Betzalel Korn
"Freedom of Choice, a lesson from the Parsha"
Mon 8/1/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shlomo Reich
"Reflections on Reb Aaron Leib Shteinman zt'l"
Tue 9/1/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Killing Lice on Shabbos"
Wed 10/1/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi Roth
"Halachic Topic"
Thu 11/1/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Avrohom Broide
"A Case Study in Halocha"
Fri 12/1/2018 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Elimelech Kornfeld
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 24/12/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Eisenberg
"What? You are also a Levi?"
Wed 27/12/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yonasan Roodyn
"Chisronos HaShass"
Thu 28/12/2017 |
Rabbi Binyomin Grun
"Asoroh BeTeves"
Fri 29/12/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitzchok Fierstone
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 19/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Jeremy Golker
"Topical Theme"
Mon 20/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Shloime Dominitz
"The Unique Simcha of Toiling in Torah"
Tue 21/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Ribbis at Work"
Wed 22/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Pinchas Hackenbroch
"Toivelling Presents: To dip or not to dip, that is the question"
Thu 23/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Schonfeld
"Cancelled Flights and Lost Baggage - Part 2"
Fri 24/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yoel Aberman
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 12/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Osher Baddiel
"The Twins who Shaped the World"
Mon 13/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Osher Chaim Levene
"Social media the challenges of the new age"
Tue 14/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Maimon
"Selfies in Halocho"
Wed 15/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Halpern
"Honouring ones older brother"
Thu 16/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Schonfeld
"Cancelled flights and lost baggage"
Fri 17/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Uri Deutsch
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 5/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Dovid Cohn
"Shabbos Service Contracts"
Mon 6/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Emmanuel Danan
"Hatzola call in middle of Shmoineh Esrei"
Tue 7/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Faivish Vogel
"Belief in and Knowledge of Hashem"
Wed 8/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Pearlman
"Hilchos Chuppa V'Kiddushin"
Thu 9/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Stern
"Behemtom Shel Tzadikim"
Fri 10/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avi Ziskind
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 29/10/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
"The Ascendancy of the Jewish People Over Yishmael Through the Akeida"
Mon 30/10/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi Roth
"Praying to Angels"
Tue 31/10/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin
"Halochos of Separating Challoh"
Wed 1/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Eli Pick
"Standing at the Omud"
Thu 2/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dr Sholom Springer
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 3/11/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi David
"Topical Theme"
Sun 22/10/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Hilchos Ribbis"
Mon 23/10/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Rashi Simon
"Noach and Avraham: Contingent vs Unconditional Love"
Tue 24/10/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dov Ber Cowan
"Echod Hoye Avrohom"
Wed 25/10/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gedaliyah Leiberman
"Halachic Topic"
Thu 26/10/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Osher Sternbuch
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 27/10/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Anthony Manning
"Refaim, Zuzim and Eimim – How Ancient Wars led us to Eretz Yisrael"
Sun 8/10/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aaron Hersh
"Appreciating the Vilna Gaon - 220th Yahrzeit"
Sun 8/10/2017 |
HaBochur Dovid Grun
"Chiyuv Leil Rishoin"
Mon 9/10/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Yossef Dovid Weinberg
"Inyonei Deyomah"
Mon 9/10/2017 |
HaBochur Shraggi Rubenstein
"Mitzvah Haboh BeAveiroh"
Tue 10/10/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld
"Creating Pipelines"
Tue 10/10/2017 |
HaBochur Naftoli Zvi Halberstadt
"Sechach of Isurei Hano'oh"
Chairman Rabbi Meir Zev Rapoport
Divrei Pesicha by Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater
Main Speech by Rabbi Gershon Miller
- "Asifa on Technology - Shiur to Men"
Rabbi Shloime Yitzchok Bixenspanner
- "Asifa on Technology - Shiur to Women"
To download a PDF of the Technology Guidelines click image below
Sun 10/9/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yechiel Feiner
"Arovoh G'zuloh - The Real Issue and Daily Implications"
Mon 11/9/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Dovid Cohn
"Choshen Mishpot Topic"
Tue 12/9/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yeshaya Schlesinger
"Rosh Hashono"
Wed 13/9/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Paysach Krohn
"Sholom and Achdus - bringing us together"
Thu 14/9/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Benjy Morgan
"Lifnei Iver- May you sell a TV to a Yid?"
Fri 15/9/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Alan Kimche
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 3/9/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman
"Pirkei Ovos"
Mon 4/9/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yoel Aberman
"Parsha Theme"
Tue 5/9/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Count your blessings"
Wed 6/9/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yonatan Tawil
"Selichot - Starting the day the Torah way!"
Thu 7/9/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moishe Heimann
"Do you qualify for FREE choice?"
Fri 8/9/2017 |
Rabbi Amrom Nemeth
"Parsha Theme"
Mon 28/8/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Dovid Baddiel
"Holidaying and Travelling without a Minyan"
Tue 29/8/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Halpern
"Meisoh Machmas Melocha with a borrowed Shofar"
Wed 30/8/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Elchonon Goldblatt
"Asher Korche BaDerech"
Thu 31/8/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yehuda Osher Steiner
"Can I have ryvita during aseres yemei tshuva?"
Fri 1/9/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Meir Zev Rapoport
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 16/7/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Boruch Dzialowski
"Shmiras Shabbos for a Sofek Goy"
Mon 17/7/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Silver
"The Nurse who wanted to be Misgayer"
Tue 18/7/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitschok Mordechai Chissick
"VaHashem Yislach Loh - What has she done wrong?"
Wed 19/7/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yitzchok Silver
"Oni Hamehapech becharorah, Gezumping in Property and in Business"
Thu 20/7/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dr Sholom Springer
"R' Yochanan Ben Zakai, Yavneh and Yerushalayim"
Fri 21/7/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Zahn
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 2/7/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Levy
"Being Happy in the Summer"
Mon 3/7/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Rephoel Godlewsky
"Is 'Ma Tovu' an opening just for Shachris?"
Tue 4/7/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Dovid Spiro
"Coffee with a difference - on Shabbos"
Wed 5/7/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein
"Sefer Bamidbar, Blindness and the Search for Emes"
Thu 6/7/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Michoel Greenblatt
"Techeiles Doimeh Leyam and Halachic ramifications today"
Fri 7/7/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Klor
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 25/6/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Rowe
"Parsha Theme"
Mon 26/6/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yisroel Applebaum
"Topical Theme"
Tue 27/6/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Eisenberg
"What could go wrong?"
Wed 28/6/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Osher Flegg
"Dina Demalchusa and building rights"
Thu 29/6/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Heller
"Topical Theme"
Fri 30/6/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Eli Brunner
"Explaining the Mei Merivah"
Sun 18/6/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Elimelech Vanzetta
"Breaking Promises: Can I go back on my word?"
Mon 19/6/2017 |
Rabbi Yisroel Aaron Schwalbe
"Parent and Teenager conflict - Must a child always obey a parent?"
Tue 20/6/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein
"Halachic Topic"
Wed 21/6/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mordechai Mays
"Topical Theme"
Thu 22/6/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Alon Anava
"Life after Death"
Fri 23/6/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi David
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 28/5/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yisroel Faust
"Kabolas Hatorah a Lifeline after the Curses"
Mon 29/5/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Yossef Dovid Weinberg
"Hachonoh L'Kabollas Hatorah"
Tue 30/5/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
Fri 2/6/2017 |
Reb Don Kaufman
"Parsha Theme "
Sun 9/4/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Gross
"Arba Coisos"
Mon 10/4/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Sulzbacher
"Mitzvas Sippur Yetziyas Mitzrayim"
Thu 13/4/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Winegarten
"Inyona Deyoma"
Thu 13/4/2017 |
Habochur Shmuel Zev Lev
"Yaaleh Veyovo on Chol Hamoed"
Fri 14/4/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater
"Inyonei Deyomah"
Fri 14/4/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Habochur Yossi Bordon
"Af Heim Hoyu Beosoy Hanes"
Sun 16/4/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shloime Yitzchok Bixenspanner
"Inyonei Deyomah"
Sun 16/4/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Habochur Chaim Glejser
"Topical Theme"
Wed 19/4/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Kalman Katz
"Understanding the Sefira"
Thu 20/4/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zalman Krasnow
"Prophesize or Hypothesize?"
Fri 21/4/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moishe Rokach
"Parshas Shemini"
Sun 12/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi David
"Purim Theme"
Mon 13/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zecharia Jacobson
"The Issur of Making Ketoires"
Tue 14/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Michoel Sorotzkin
"Are we reading the right Parsha this week?"
Wed 15/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Thu 16/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dr Sholom Springer
"Kol Ho'omer Dovor... From Purim to Pesach"
Fri 17/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yaacov Benzaquen
"Moshe wins the Tug of War!"
Sun 5/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yaacov Zvi Moore
"An Original Link between Klei Hamishkon & Gzeiras Homon!"
Mon 6/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Potash
"Matonas Loevyonim"
Tue 7/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yom Tov Sanger
"Interesting Shaalos relating to Parshos Zochor"
Wed 8/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shmuel Kimche
"Purim Theme"
Thu 9/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Menachem Horwitz
"Is a Zecher LeChurban necessary on Purim?"
Fri 10/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Leibish Heller
"Purim Theme"
Sun 26/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Dovid Cohn
"Whisky & Sherry Casks"
Mon 27/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Meiselman
"HaShomayim Shomayim LaShem ViHoretz Nosan Livnei Odom"
Tue 28/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Yankey Wiesenfeld
"Waste not, Want not - Case Studies"
Wed 1/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Moore
"Practical Halocha Parshas Zochor and Purim"
Thu 2/3/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitzchok Posen
"Mishenichnas Adar"
Fri 3/3/2017 |
Rabbi Yeshaya Schlesinger
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 19/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Meir Zev Rapoport
"Emergencies on Shabbos"
Mon 20/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Halpern
"Cutting hair & being stitched up on Shabbos"
Tue 21/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Yankey Wiesenfeld
"Waste not, Want not"
Wed 22/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Nosson Liss
"The Oldest Building Regulations in the World"
Thu 23/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Pearlman
Fri 24/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mendy Chissick
"Why does the Parsha start with Eved Ivri?"
Sun 12/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Meir Posen
Mon 13/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Gross
"Chiyuv Noshim Be'Birkas Ha'mazon"
Tue 14/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Zahn
"Topical Theme"
Wed 15/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shlomi Wise
"Can we learn Halacha from Aggada?"
Thu 16/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aron Faust
"ViAcharei Chein Yotzoo Birchush Godol"
Fri 17/2/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Jeremy Golker
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 8/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Berel Knopfler
"Asoroh BiTeves"
Mon 9/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi Roth
"Refuois Segulios on Shabbos"
Tue 10/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Michoel Jablinowitz
"Bircas Hamazon: Feasting and Forgetting"
Wed 11/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Some words about Rav Moshe Shapir0 zt'l"
Thu 12/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yonason Hamilton
"Why do we say ‘Boruch Shem..’ in Kriyas Shema"
Fri 13/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovber Cowan
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 1/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Rowe
"Zois Chanukah"
Mon 2/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitzchok Fierstone
"Eruvin and Beyond"
Mon 2/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Hoffert
"Analysis of Sugya with fascinating ramifications Halocho L’maaseh"
Tue 3/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger
"Perfecting our Parenting"
Wed 4/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aharon Lopiansky
"Chinuch begins at home"
Thu 5/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aaron Hersh
"Understanding Keitz"
Fri 6/1/2017 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Pinchos Jung
"The Alshich on Parshas Vayigash"
Sun 25/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Gurwicz
"Chanukah Theme"
Sun 25/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Raphy Garson
"The Life & Legacy of Rav Ovadia Yosef zt”l - Part 2"
Mon 26/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yisroel Meir Greenberg
"Chanukah Topic"
Mon 26/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Akiva Yafe Schlesinger
"Inyonei DiYoma"
Tue 27/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater
"Topical Theme"
Tue 27/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Pinchos Zvi Adler
"Doughnuts: Bread, Cake or otherwise?"
Wed 28/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Elisha Koppel
"Birchas HoRoye"
Thu 29/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aaron Jacobson
"Shabbos in Hospital"
Fri 30/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Schonfeld
"Dream Payments"
Sun 4/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Koenig
"Copyrights and Patents: A Test Study"
Mon 5/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yeshaya Stroh
"Making Kiddush at home after attending a Kiddush at Shul"
Tue 6/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shlomo Klyne
"Should Schnitzel be Mezonos"
Wed 7/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitzchok Posen
"Olim Viyordim Bo"
Thu 8/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Reuven Stepsky
"Dreams - Real or Prophetic"
Fri 9/12/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitzchok Weitz
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 20/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Akiva Teichtal
"Kol Dialim Gvar: Does Judaism promote violence?"
Mon 21/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yaakov Yehudah Salomon
"Relating to the ‘Asarah Nisyoines’"
Tue 22/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Emmanuel Danan
"Posaiach es Yodecha"
Wed 23/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky
"Talmidim Shel Avraham Avinu: The Foundation of Jewish Education"
Thu 24/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Dovid Siemiatycki
"Halachic Implications of Banking re Inheritance and Partnerships"
Fri 25/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Tuvia Hirsch
"Inyon of Kivrei Avos and Emohos"
Wed 9/11/2016 |
Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
"Shabbos: Understanding its Centrality"
Thu 10/11/2016 |
Rabbi Eliezer Rottenberg
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 11/11/2016 |
Reb Yankey Wiesenfeld
"Dvar Halocha"
Fri 11/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaRav HaGaon Rav Usher Weiss
"Inyonei Shabbos"
Fri 11/11/2016 |
Reb Duddy Rosenberg
"A Vort on the Parsha"
Fri 11/11/2016 |
Rabbi Yaakov Hamer
"Shabbos Halocha Topic"
Sun 6/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi David
"Groma & Candle Lighting"
Mon 7/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Heckscher
"Aerosol cans on Shabbos"
Tue 8/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Yaakov Hillel
"Inyonei DYoma"
Wed 9/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Leibish Heller
"Parshas Lech Lecho"
Wed 9/11/2016 |
Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
"Shabbos: Understanding its Centrality"
Thu 10/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yeshoshua Posen
"Understanding the Matoneh of Shabbos"
Thu 10/11/2016 |
Rabbi Eliezer Rottenberg
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 11/11/2016 |
Reb Yankey Wiesenfeld
"Dvar Halocha"
Fri 11/11/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaRav HaGaon Rav Usher Weiss
"Inyonei Shabbos"
Fri 11/11/2016 |
Reb Duddy Rosenberg
"A Vort on the Parsha"
Fri 11/11/2016 |
Rabbi Yaakov Hamer
"Shabbos Halocha Topic"
Sun 2/10/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shlomo Farhi
"It's Today!"
Wed 5/10/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Danny Kirsch
"Tzom Gedaliya: The Fear of Change"
Thu 6/10/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yehonoson Dovid Hool
"Separating Terumos & Maasros nowadays:A practical guide in Chutz La'aretz"
Fri 7/10/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Benjy Morgan
"Yom Kippur: Celebrating our Mistakes"
Sun 25/9/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yechiel Feiner
"Lishmoia El Horina Vel Hatefilaa - Commitments of a professional Chazan"
Mon 26/9/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yosef Gerber
"When is Rosh Hashona?"
Tue 27/9/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gedaliyah Lieberman
"Halachic Topic"
Wed 28/9/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Paysach Krohn
"Making Tefilla Special - Connection on Many Levels"
Thu 29/9/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Yitzchok Greenblatt
"The Simonim on Rosh Hashonah"
Fri 30/9/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Binyomin Grun
"Inyona D'Yoma"
Sun 4/9/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Elchonon Goldblatt
"Topical Theme"
Mon 5/9/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Schmal
"Pi & Pythagoras"
Tue 6/9/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moishe Leitner
"Meleches Shoichait - Netilas Neshomo"
Wed 7/9/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Joseph Pearlman
"The Missing Gimmel in L'Dovid & Shema"
Thu 8/9/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Nechemiya Yaffe
"Topical Theme"
Fri 9/9/2016 |
Rabbi Yonason Royde
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 14/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman
"Harnessing the Churban for Binyan"
Mon 15/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yonason Roodyn
"Nechama - Moving on from the Churban of Tisha B'Av"
Tue 16/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehoshua Frickers
"Halachic Topic"
Wed 17/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Akiva Josovic
"Halochos for Zecher L'Churban"
Thu 18/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Cohen
"Relying on Miracles"
Thu 18/8/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 18/8/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Shraga Kallus
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 19/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shraga Kallus
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 7/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Berel Knopfler
"Inyonei Deyuma"
Mon 8/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shmuel Kimche
"The Alef Beis of Chodesh Av"
Tue 9/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Asher Sebbag
"The Price of a Mitzvah"
Wed 10/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Amrom Nemeth
"Meaty Tablets"
Thu 11/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitschok Mordechai Chissick
"Binyan Beis Hamikdosh"
Thu 11/8/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 11/8/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Yaakov Hamer
"Remember Yerushalayim!"
Thu 11/8/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Binyomin Milstein
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 12/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Jeremy Golker
"From Golus to Geula"
Sun 31/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Levy
"Staying in this World"
Mon 1/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Ehrentreu
"Lo Yachel Devoro"
Tue 2/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yisroel Sholom Arran
"Pirkei Avos - 1:3"
Wed 3/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Raphy Garson
"The Life & Legacy of Rav Ovadia Yosef zt"l - Part 1"
Thu 4/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi Feingold
"Bein Hametzorim"
Thu 4/8/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 4/8/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Danny Kirsch
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 4/8/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Meir Kahan
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 5/8/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Zvi Cohen
"Ze Hadovor or Ko Omar Hashem"
Sun 24/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
"Rebuilding Yerusholayim with Fire"
Mon 25/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Emanuel Danan
"Spacing out in Brocha Acharona - Part 2"
Tue 26/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Hershel Hager
"Sharing the Burden"
Wed 27/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Connick
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 28/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yisroel Applebaum
"Topical Theme"
Thu 28/7/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 28/7/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Aaron Hersch
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 28/7/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Eli Netzer
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 29/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shmuel Wolf
"Parshas Pinchos"
Sun 17/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Roberts
"The surprising dynamic of Hashgacha"
Mon 18/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moishe Heimann
"Bilam's Tit for Tat"
Tue 19/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Bunem Krausz
"Hilchos Zimun"
Wed 20/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Do children need to keep Mitzvos?"
Thu 21/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yeshaya Schlesinger
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 21/7/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 21/7/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Doniel Kleiman
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 21/7/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Uriel Inglis
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 22/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Kaplin
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 10/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
"The Many layers of the Aishes Chayil"
Mon 11/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Karnowsky
"Kovod Habriyos"
Tue 12/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Halpern
"Parsha Thoughts"
Wed 13/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld
"Givers & Takers"
Thu 14/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Tsvi Pappenheim
"Emunah and Bitochen"
Thu 14/7/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 14/7/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Reb Osher Chaim Levene
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 14/7/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Doniel Kraus
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 15/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Pinchos Breuer
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 3/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yechiel Feiner
"Bidding For an 'Aliya' ...how it works!"
Mon 4/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Emmanuel Danan
"Spacing out in Brocha Acharona"
Tue 5/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Binyomin Grun
"Velo sihyeh kekorach vecha'adoso"
Wed 6/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin
"Rosh Chodesh"
Thu 7/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Henoch Heitner
"Moshe Emes Visoiroso Emes"
Thu 7/7/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 7/7/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Dr Sholom Springer
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 7/7/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Gavi Wittenberg
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 8/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Alan Kimche
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 26/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Cohn
"Car Crash Claim"
Mon 27/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Zahn
"Jumping to conclusions!"
Tue 28/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Ephraim Klyne
"The Rosetta landing & The Meraglim"
Wed 29/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Pearlman
"The Mitzvah of Tosefes Shabbos"
Thu 30/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Osher Chaim Levene
"Yericho: Breaching the Wall"
Thu 30/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 30/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Yitzchok Fierstone
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 30/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Pini Rose
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 1/7/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Menachem Winegarten
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 19/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moishe Rokach
"Bechoirois versus Kohanim & Leviyim"
Mon 20/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shraga Kallus
"'Shidduch Information!'"
Tue 21/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Hool
"Shesh Mitzvos Temidiyos - An Amazing Discovery!"
Wed 22/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Elimelech Vanzetta
"Yichud in High Sea"
Thu 23/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovber Cowan
"Topical Theme"
Thu 23/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 23/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Amram Landau
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 23/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Aryeh Grossnass
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 24/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Michoel Sorotzkin
"Parsha Theme"
Tue 14/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
"The Hidden Blessings of Antisemitism"
Wed 15/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Leibish Heller
"Topical Theme"
Thu 16/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Rafi Brodie
"An English Maariv vs an Israeli Maariv"
Thu 16/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 16/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Aaron Jacobson
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 16/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Yakov Weissbraun
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 17/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Grossnass
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 5/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Potash
"Sefiras Ho'omer"
Mon 6/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gedaliyah Leiberman
"Topical Theme"
Tue 7/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Doody Rosenberg
"Thoughts on Megillas Rus"
Wed 8/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi David
Thu 9/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Benjy Morgan
"Why do we keep Shavuos on the wrong day?"
Thu 9/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 9/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Shloime Yitzchok Bixenspanner
"Kabollas Hatorah"
Thu 9/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Motti Taub
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 10/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater
Sun 29/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld
"Paying workers on time"
Mon 30/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Avrohom Yehoshua Horowitz
"Kashrus Topic"
Tue 31/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Yankey Wiesenfeld
"'ק י וכ ב'"
Wed 1/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Raphael Goldblatt
"Halachic Topic"
Thu 2/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaRav Binyomin Carlebach
"Topical Theme"
Thu 2/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 2/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Raphy Garson
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 2/6/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Eliezer Schleider
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 3/6/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Gurwicz
"Parshas Bechukosai"
Sun 22/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Blau
"Inyona Deyoma"
Mon 23/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yoel Aberman
"Parshas Behar"
Tue 24/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Heckscher
"How much oil makes a good Lag Bo'omer fire?"
Wed 25/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Stern
"Chayecho Koidmim"
Thu 26/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Yossef Dovid Weinberg
"Lag Bo'omer"
Thu 26/5/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 26/5/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Binyomin Grun
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 26/5/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Moishe Kantor
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 27/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shalom Rosner
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 15/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aaron Hersh
"Renewing Our Contract"
Mon 16/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yaakov Hamer
"The Meaning of Mesirus Nefesh"
Tue 17/5/2016 |
Rabbi Aharon Bassous
"Lag B'omer"
Wed 18/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Binyomin Marks
"Bircas HaTorah"
Thu 19/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shloime Mannes
"Tachnun: What & When"
Thu 19/5/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 19/5/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Mendy Chissick
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 19/5/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Avi Levy
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 20/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Halpern
"Hadlokas Neirois"
Sun 8/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Kaplin
"The Real Story"
Mon 9/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shaul Strom
"Sefira - Making the Days Count"
Tue 10/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yosef Gerber
"Beyond the Afikomon"
Wed 11/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Chanoch Friedman
"More Shaalos on Choshen Mishpot"
Thu 12/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Rapoport
"Emotional Homicide"
Thu 12/5/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 12/5/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Yonason Roodyn
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 12/5/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Moishe Stimler
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 13/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Topical Theme"
Sun 1/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zvi Karp
"Waiting 6 or 3 hours?"
Mon 2/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Yona Hartman
"Yetziyas Mitzrayim as a preparation for Matan Torah"
Tue 3/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Yonatan Rosenfeld
"Should I be scared of the night time?"
Wed 4/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Kalman Katz
"Pikuach Nefesh"
Thu 5/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Eli Pick
"HM The Queen's 90th birthday"
Thu 5/5/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 5/5/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Jeremy Golker
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 5/5/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Meir Fine
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 6/5/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Pinchos Breuer
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 10/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Myer Triebitz
"The Structure of the Haggadah"
Mon 11/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Meir Orlansky
"Topical Theme"
Tue 12/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Michoel Scharf
"Baking Matzos"
Wed 13/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Levy
"Parenting Lessons from the Haggadah"
Thu 14/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
"Pesach: What's the Hurry?"
Thu 14/4/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 14/4/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Katz
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 14/4/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Joseph Hackenbroch
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 15/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Osher Sternbuch
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 3/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehudah Boruch Lieberman
"Topical Theme"
Mon 4/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zvi Boyer
"Seor Shebaisa - All year, why?"
Tue 5/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yosef Grunfeld
"Relationship between Torah Shebichsav & Torah Shebaalpeh"
Wed 6/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gedaliyah Leiberman
"Halachic Pesach Topic"
Thu 7/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zalman Krasnow
"Tea & Crumpets"
Thu 7/4/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 7/4/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Yaacov Benzaquen
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 7/4/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Yaakov Green
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 8/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Sholom Perl
"The reverse of A Yid in Chodesh Nissan"
Sun 27/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Akiva Tatz
"Spiritual Laughter"
Mon 28/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu
"Inyoneh D'yomah"
Tue 29/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Halachic Topic"
Wed 30/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dr Sholom Springer
"Role of Chukim"
Thu 31/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Emmanuel Danan
"Netillas Yadayim in the Morning-Why? The Halachic Ramifications"
Thu 31/3/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 31/3/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Eli Pick
"Shabbos Theme"
Thu 31/3/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Ephraim Wittenberg
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 1/4/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Grossnass
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 20/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yom Tov Sanger
"Some interesting shaalos for Purim!"
Mon 21/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Rashi Simon
"'The Mystery of Mordechai's Chumrah'"
Tue 22/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Herskowitz
"Your Shabbos is my Business!"
Wed 23/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Hershel Hager
"Tomchei Yotzei Anglia?"
Thu 24/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Doniel Rowe
"Purim Theme"
Fri 25/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chanoch Sulzbacher
"Topical Theme"
Sun 13/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld
"Purim: Behind the Scenes"
Mon 14/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Zahn
"Megilas Esther"
Tue 15/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yaakov Steinhaus
"Why does Purim not have a Yom Tov Sheni?"
Wed 16/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 17/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yechiel Levenberg
"Parshas Zochor"
Thu 17/3/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 17/3/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovber Cowan
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 17/3/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Pini Rose
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 18/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Malcolm Herman
"Parsha & Purim"
Sun 6/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Cohn
"Topical Theme"
Mon 7/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shea Chaitovsky
"My Ilustrious Zeide The Beloved Rosh Yeshiva Rav Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg Zt'l on his 3rd Yahrzeit"
Tue 8/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Osher Chaim Levene
"Hang on! The 10 Sons of Haman"
Wed 9/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zvi Lieberman
"Mistakes at regular Shabbos meals"
Thu 10/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Gurwicz
"Topical Theme"
Thu 10/3/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 10/3/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 10/3/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Avi Roberts
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 11/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mendel Blachman
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 28/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Blau
"Topical Theme"
Mon 29/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehoshua Frickers
"Performing Illusions- A Halachic view"
Tue 1/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Fachler
"The Halacha and Medicine Partnership between HaShem and Am Yisrael"
Wed 2/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Deutsch
"Living 70 year's and never being considered a true 'Shomer Shabbos'"
Thu 3/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Gross
"Bris Mila to twin boys at the same time with two Mohalim"
Thu 3/3/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 3/3/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Dunner
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 3/3/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Zevi Heller
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 4/3/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yeshaya Schlesinger
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 21/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Joseph Pearlman
"Topical Theme"
Mon 22/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Nechemiah Gottlieb
"Rules of engagement in Chinuch"
Tue 23/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avrohom Heckscher
"2 x Ador, 2 x Purim"
Wed 24/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Doctor Yossi Adler
"Halachic approach to donating or selling ones organs"
Thu 25/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Danny Kada
"Are you a Gilgul?"
Thu 25/2/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 25/2/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Yitsy David
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 25/2/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Ephraim Wittenberg
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 26/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Michoel Sorotzkin
"Amalek in Bnei Brak?"
Sun 14/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Jeremy Golker
"Lessons from the Mishkon"
Mon 15/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shmuel Baron
"Bilvovi Mishkan Avner"
Tue 16/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Elchonon Goldblatt
"Topical Theme"
Wed 17/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Natan Shadmi
"Toiveling Keilim for Mishloach Manos"
Thu 18/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman
"Topical Theme"
Thu 18/2/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 18/2/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Daniel Klein
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 18/2/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Yanky Weissbraun
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 19/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Zvi Senter
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 7/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld
"Stealing - do we all do it?"
Mon 8/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Pinchos Jung
"Total Confidence in Moshe Rabeinu"
Tue 9/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avi Hill
"Tzedokah Tatzil Mimoves"
Wed 10/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Nusson Burstein
"Materials for building the Mishkan"
Thu 11/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yehonoson Dovid Hool
"The Silverware Theft"
Thu 11/2/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 11/2/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Roberts
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 11/2/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Shlomie Weissbraun
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 12/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aaron Hersh
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 31/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gershon Miller
"Does old fashioned Chinuch work?"
Mon 1/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Emmanuel Danan
"Cholov Akum - Part 2"
Tue 2/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Bunem Krausz
"Muktzah Sheilos"
Wed 3/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence
"Halachic Topic"
Thu 4/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Reb Yankey Wiesenfeld
"Our party wall - yours or mine?"
Thu 4/2/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 4/2/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Moshe Levy
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 4/2/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Motti Taub
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 5/2/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi David
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 24/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitzchok Menachem Blau
"Zochor es Yom Hashabbos Lekadsho"
Mon 25/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi Cohen
"Tu Bishvat"
Tue 26/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Menachem Lieberman
Wed 27/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld
"Topical Theme"
Thu 28/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Eli Rowe
"Topical Theme"
Thu 28/1/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 28/1/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Chaim Kramer
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 28/1/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Mendy Calek
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 29/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Karnowsky
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 17/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi Chazan
"Yetziyas Mitzrayim"
Mon 18/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yitzchok Fierstone
"Al Yeitzei Ish Limkomo - Issur Techumin"
Tue 19/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Benjy Morgan
"Torah Lav Bashomayim- So Where is it?"
Wed 20/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moishe Dovid Leitner
"Vacationing in Sharm el-Sheikh"
Thu 21/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shais Taub
"Emotional Sobriety: Get Your Life Back by Letting Go"
Thu 21/1/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 21/1/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Shloime Yitzchok Bixenspanner
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 21/1/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Gavi Wittenberg
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 22/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Alan Kimche
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 10/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aryeh Thumim
"Taking Tzedokeh from a Goy"
Mon 11/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Grossnass
"The 49th Gate of Tuma"
Tue 12/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Akiva Teichtal
"The Human Zoo"
Wed 13/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Meir Zev Rapoport
"Davening for the terminally ill"
Thu 14/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovber Cowan
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 14/1/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 14/1/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Avrohom Zeidman
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 14/1/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Aron Rowe
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 15/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Zahn
"Zochoir Es Hayoim Hazeh"
Sun 3/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald
"Goodbye Boss! - Poiel yochol lachzor bo afilu bichatzi hayom"
Mon 4/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Benty Schechter
"Chateh Keday Shenizke Chaveiro"
Tue 5/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Noach Orlowek
"Secret of Successful Chinuch"
Wed 6/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avraham Goldhar
"How to Develop an Amazing Memory for Learning!"
Thu 7/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dr Sholom Springer
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 7/1/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 7/1/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Dayan Binyomin Eckstein
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 7/1/2016 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Binyomin Milstien
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 8/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Sholom Segal
"Topical Theme"
Fri 1/1/2016 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Mendy Chissick
"Moshe's Peh Kodosh would not nurse from a Mitzris"
Fri 1/1/2016 |
Rabbi Yehoshua Frickers
"Contemporary Sha'alohs in Bishul Akum"
Sun 27/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Alex Hool
"The Missing 168 Years"
Tue 29/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yossi Feingold
"Noisey Be'ol Im Chaveiro"
Wed 30/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Pinchos Zvi Adler
"Organ Donation"
Thu 31/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yonason Roodyn
"Shemos- Giving Children Non Jewish Names"
Fri 25/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Menachem Gelley
"Hilchos Brochos"
Fri 25/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Eliezer Rottenberg
"Inyonei Chinuch"
Fri 25/12/2015 |
Rabbi Eliyohu Pearlman
"Bedikas Toloyim - How careful are we with what goes into our mouth?"
Sun 13/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehudah Boruch Lieberman
"Sight, Light, Might"
Mon 14/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater
"Topical Theme"
Tue 15/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shmuel Nussbaum
"The Unique Dinim of writing a Mezuzah"
Wed 16/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld
"Inyonei D'yoma"
Thu 17/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yoel Aberman
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 17/12/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 17/12/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Reb Osher Chaim Levene
"Pain in the Neck"
Thu 17/12/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Doniel Krasz
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 18/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimon Heller
"Parshas Vayigash: How to Sweeten the Golus"
Sun 6/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Berel Knopfler
"Inyonei Chanukah"
Mon 7/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zechariya Sprung
"Chanukah, Torah & Bikurim - common denominator"
Tue 8/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Hochhauser
"Menorah Boxes"
Wed 9/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Dovid Halpern
"Pearls of Chanuka"
Thu 10/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yonason Abraham
"Chanuka Theme"
Thu 10/12/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 10/12/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Yeshaya Schlesinger
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 10/12/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Uriel Inglis
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 11/12/2015 |
Rabbi Leibish Heller
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 29/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Joseph Pearlman
"Underlying Issue between Yoseph & his Brothers"
Mon 30/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky
"Bad Things Do Happen To Good People"
Tue 1/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Emmanuel Danan
"Cholov Akum Part 1"
Wed 2/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Ari Shishler
"Bris Milah v. Anti-Circumcisionists"
Thu 3/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Nosson Kamenetsky
"The Two Wives of Yaakov Ovinu"
Thu 3/12/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 3/12/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Michoel Jablinowitz
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 3/12/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Yosef Hackenbroch
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 4/12/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Yehuda Pearlman
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 22/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
"Social Pressure"
Mon 23/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Danny Kirsch
"Gid Hanosheh - No Jew should be left alone"
Tue 24/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Chaim Fachler
"The Netziv on Vayishlach and Gid Hanasheh"
Wed 25/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Yaakov Hillel
Thu 26/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Gedaliyah Leiberman
"Can I drink coffee in Shul?"
Thu 26/11/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 26/11/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 26/11/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy: Eli Netzer
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 27/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Nissim Tagger
"Parsha Theme"
Sun 15/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Dayan Yehoshua Posen
"Who's Investment is it?"
Mon 16/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Jonathan Halberstadt
"Kedushas HaMikdosh bazeman hazeh"
Tue 17/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Zecharia Jacobson
"Pidyon Haben"
Wed 18/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Moshe Halpern
Thu 19/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Aharon Bassous
"The Chashivos of Tefiloh"
Thu 19/11/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft
"Hilchos Shabbos"
Thu 19/11/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt
"Parsha Theme"
Thu 19/11/2015 |
Leil Shishi -
Menorah Grammar School Boy
"Parsha Theme"
Fri 20/11/2015 |
(MP3 to follow, Click for WMA Format)
Rabbi Akiva Tatz
"Parsha Theme"
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