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1st Year (5766-5767) Schedule
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Sun 3/12/2006 Rabbi Chaim Halpern & Rabbi Yaakov Meir Rosenbaum
Mon 4/12/2006 Rabbi Joseph Pearlman - "Tefilloh Secrets"
Tue 5/12/2006 Rabbi Aharon Dunner - "Topical Theme"
Wed 6/12/2006 Rabbi Chaim Yitzchok Greenblatt - "Zerizim Makdimim vs Hiddur Mitzvah"
Thu 7/12/2006 Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury - "Inyonei Machshovoh"
Fri 8/12/2006 Rabbi Leibish Heller - "Insights into Parshas Vayishlach"
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Sun 26/11/2006 Rabbi Aaron Hersh - "Insights into Parshas Vayetze"
Mon 27/11/2006 Rabbi Dovid Koenig - "Measurements in Halochoh"
Tue 28/11/2006 Reb Uri Shaarjashuv - "Kibbud Av Vo'em in Halochoh and Aggadah"
Wed 29/11/2006 Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence - "Meleches Moichek - Common Applications"
Thu 30/11/2006 Rabbi Gavin Broder - "Parsha Theme"
Fri 1/12/2006 Rabbi Feivel Schuster - "Turning Shabbos into Shabbos Kodesh"
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Sun 19/11/2006 Rabbi Yosef Weiss - "Emunoh & Bitochon"
Mon 20/11/2006 Rabbi Doniel Hool - "Learning Torah is Greater Than Saving Lives"
Tue 21/11/2006 Rabbi Yoel Rabinowitz - "Inyonei Tefilloh"
Wed 22/11/2006 Rabbi Yaakov Hamer - "I Only Honour My Father"
Thu 23/11/2006 Rabbi Yitzchok Sandler - "Eating from Etz Ha'Chaim"
Fri 24/11/2006 Rabbi Meir Markovic - "Parshas Toldos"
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Sun 12/11/2006 Rabbi Shimon Gurwicz - "The Rights of Avrohom Ovinu in Eretz Yisroel"
Mon 13/11/2006 Rabbi Zvi Belovski - "Dying of Laughter? - What Really Happened to Soroh?"
Tue 14/11/2006 Rabbi Joseph Freilich - "Lifnei Iver Modern Problems - continued"
Wed 15/11/2006 Rabbi Mordechai Nissim - "Topical Theme"
Thu 16/11/2006 Rabbi Doniel Mann - "Insights into Chayei Soroh"
Fri 17/11/2006 Rabbi Michoel Jablinowitz - "Soroh & the Shining Jewish Home"
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Sun 5/11/2006 Rabbi Shimshon Silkin - "Al-Qaeda or Akeidah?"
Mon 6/11/2006 Rabbi Mordechai Fein - "The Difference Between Chessed and Rachamim"
Tue 7/11/2006 Rabbi Osher Sternbuch - "The Hachnosas Orchim of Avrohom Ovinu"
Wed 8/11/2006 Rabbi Nosson Kohn - "Avrohom Ovinu - Kiruv the Right Way"
Thu 9/11/2006 Reb Doody Rosenberg - "Insights into Akeidas Yitzchok"
Fri 10/11/2006 Rabbi Yitzchok Ziskind - "The Chiddush of Klal Yisroel Among the Nations"
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Sun 29/10/2006 Rabbi Dovid Roberts - "The Perfect Gift"
Mon 30/10/2006 Rabbi Chaim Schmahl - "Noder B'eis Tzoroh"
Tue 31/10/2006 Rabbi Arye Forta - "How Important is Bein Odom Le'chaveiro?"
Wed 1/11/2006 Rabbi Gershon Winegarten - "Avrohom Ovinu - A New Beginning"
Thu 2/11/2006 Rabbi Rephoel Godlewsky - "Mazel Tov! How Much Deeper Than Just a Greeting?"
Fri 3/11/2006 Rabbi Yehoshua Meir Freshwater - "Shem & Malchus in Brochos"
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Sun 22/10/2006 Mr Avi Shulman - "Shesh Mitzvos Temidios"
Mon 23/10/2006 Rabbi Yossi David - "Kiddush Be'mokom Seudoh"
Tue 24/10/2006 Rabbi Chaim Silver - "Remaining Inspired"
Wed 25/10/2006 Rabbi Meir Rappaport - "Exploring Hilchos Tochen on Shabbos"
Thu 26/10/2006 Rabbi Chaim Pearlman - "Ben Shmoneh Esrei Le'chupah"
Fri 27/10/2006 Rabbi Yehuda Boruch Lieberman - "Keriyas Shema"
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Mon 16/10/2006 Rabbi Avrohom Collev Posen - "Holding on to the Inspiration"
Tue 17/10/2006 Rabbi Noach Orlowek - "Raising Roses Among the Thorns"
Wed 18/10/2006 Rabbi Akiva Tatz - "Twin Decisions"
Thu 19/10/2006 Rabbi Daniel Rowe - "The Cheit of Odom Ho'rishon"
Fri 20/10/2006 Rabbi Moishe Segal - "What's in a Name?"
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Mon 9/10/2006 Rabbi Gershon Hager - "Hilchos Refuoh on Yom Tov"
Tue 10/10/2006 Rabbi Eli Brunner - "Simchas Yom Tov"
Wed 11/10/2006 Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater - "Hashkofoh for Succos"
Thu 12/10/2006 Rabbi Raphy Garson - "Sukkos - The Best Kind of Giving is Thanksgiving!"
Fri 13/10/2006 Rabbi Eli Segal - "D'vekus - Ein Oid Milvado"
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Sun 1/10/2006 Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu - "Inyonei Tefillah & Divrei Chizuk"
Tue 3/10/2006 Rabbi Chaim Rapoport - "The Vilna Gaon on 'Why Succos Follows Yom Kippur'"
Wed 4/10/2006 Rabbi Zvi Belovski - "Succos and the Climax of History"
Thu 5/10/2006 Rabbi Chaim Freshwater - "Topical Theme"
Fri 6/10/2006 Rabbi Mendy Chissick - "Size of the Succah Depends on How You Learn a Tosefos"
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Mon 25/9/2006 Rabbi Chaim Halpern - "Starting Your Year B'Derech Hatorah"
Tue 26/9/2006 Rabbi Aharon Bassous - "Inyona D'Yoma"
Wed 27/9/2006 Rabbi Benzion Weitz - "The Halochos of Arba Minim"
Thu 28/9/2006 Rabbi Menashe Bordon - "Shlosh Esrei Midos Horachamim"
Fri 29/9/2006 Rabbi Nesanel Lieberman - "The Halachic Implications of Yom Kippur Nuscho'os"
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Sun 17/9/2006 Rabbi Dovid Cohn - "Din Before Yom Ha'Din"
Mon 18/9/2006 Rabbi Yosef Grunfeld - "Lishmoa El Ho'rinoh"
Tue 19/9/2006 Rabbi Dovid Stern - "Imru Lefonai Malchuyos"
Wed 20/9/2006 Dayan Shmuel Simons - "Making Teshuvoh Accessible"
Thu 21/9/2006 Rabbi Dovid Lewis - "Hilchos Tekias Shofar"
Fri 22/9/2006 Rabbi Joseph Pearlman - "Thoughts on Tefillah For Rosh Hashonoh"
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Sun 10/9/2006 Rabbi Yechiel Levenberg - "Mitzvah of Teshuvah"
Mon 11/9/2006 Rabbi Avi Hill - "Judgement Day"
Tue 12/9/2006 Rabbi Jeremy Conway - "Kivnei Maron"
Wed 13/9/2006 Rabbi Joseph Freilich - "Making the Most of Our Yomim Noro'im"
Thu 14/9/2006 Rabbi Yehoshua Meir Freshwater - "Connection Between Nitzovim & Rosh Hashonoh"
Fri 15/9/2006 Rabbi Yehoshua Posen - "Bal Tolin - Part 2: Paying Rent & Bills On Time"
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Sun 3/9/2006 Rabbi Yehudah Silver - "Ellul: Tools For Change"
Mon 4/9/2006 Rabbi Betzalel Korn - "Ellul and the Triangle of Perfection"
Tue 5/9/2006 Rabbi Moshe Flumenbaum - "Chizuk B'Hilchos Tefillin & Mezuzos"
Wed 6/9/2006 Rabbi Aaron Hersh - "Parshas Ki Savo & Preparation for Rosh Hashanah"
Thu 7/9/2006 Rabbi Shimon Gurwicz - "Inyonim from Rambam's Hilchos Teshuvah"
Fri 8/9/2006 Rabbi Eli Steinberg - "Tochocho - A Nice Way to End the Year?"
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Sun 27/8/2006 Rabbi Dovid Halpern - "Ellul"
Mon 28/8/2006 Rabbi Yonosson Royde - "The Power of Threes"
Tue 29/8/2006 Rabbi Pinchos Gerber - "Am I Dreaming?"
Wed 30/8/2006 Rabbi Yonason Chody - "Cool it! Adding Ice to Drinks on Shabbos"
Thu 31/8/2006 Rabbi Avrohom Cutler - "Shiluach Hakan"
Fri 1/9/2006 Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence - "Meleches Hotzo'oh: Rain Protection on Shabbos"
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Sun 20/8/2006 Rabbi Raphael Gelley - "It All Depends On You!"
Mon 21/8/2006 Rabbi Chaim Schmahl - "Inyonei Tefillah - continued"
Tue 22/8/2006 Rabbi Shimshon Silkin - "The Rise of Yishmoel"
Wed 23/8/2006 Rabbi Mordechai Fachler - "Rancid Salt and a Mule's Afterbirth - The Shiv'oh De'Nechemta"
Thu 24/8/2006 Rabbi Avrohom Adler - "The Milky Whey"
Fri 25/8/2006 Rabbi Zvi Belovski - "Winning the Battles of Heart and Mind"
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Sun 13/8/2006 Reb Nosson Dovid Turner - "A Lesson From Ir Hanidachas - A City Led Astray"
Mon 14/8/2006 Rabbi Avrohom Moishe Cohen - "Parshas Re'eh: Seeing the Choice"
Tue 15/8/2006 Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft - "Acharis Ha'Yomim"
Wed 16/8/2006 Rabbi Shragi Kallus - "A Grinding Inyan Be'Hilchos Shabbos!"
Thu 17/8/2006 Rabbi Dovid Abecasis - "The Mitzvah of Deveikus"
Fri 18/8/2006 Rabbi Chaim Rapoport - "Shomer Dalsos Yisroel: The Security Afforded by the Mezuzah"
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Sun 6/8/2006 Rabbi Raphael Gelley - "Being in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time"
Mon 7/8/2006 Rabbi Yehudah Boruch Lieberman - "Topical Theme"
Tue 8/8/2006 Rabbi Dovid Dunner - ""Religious Coercion" - Can We Force Someone to Perform a Mitzvah?"
Wed 9/8/2006 Rabbi Chaim Schmahl - "Be'Inyan Tu B'Av"
Thu 10/8/2006 Rabbi Chaim Yitzchok Greenblatt - "Preparing for Holiday"
Fri 11/8/2006 Rabbi Doniel Mann - "Insights into Parshas Ekev"
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Sun 30/7/2006 Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein - "The Moed of Tisha B'Av"
Mon 31/7/2006 Rabbi Michoel Fletcher - "Simcha on Tisha B'Av?"
Tue 1/8/2006 Mr Avi Shulman - "Teaching Lifelong Values to Our Children"
Wed 2/8/2006 Rabbi Joseph Pearlman - "Eichoh"
Thu 3/8/2006 Rabbi Dovid Stern - "Understanding The Churban from the Sources"
Fri 4/8/2006 Rabbi Yehoshua Posen - "Bal Tolin - Paying Wages on Time"
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Sun 23/7/2006 Rabbi Zev Leff - "The Torah Way and True Happiness"
Mon 24/7/2006 Rabbi Yosef Goldenthal - "The Chorban and the Geulah"
Tue 25/7/2006 Rabbi Yitzchok Fierstone - "Netilas Yodayim on Fruit - Halochoh or Chumra?"
Wed 26/7/2006 Rabbi Leibish Heller - "Meleches Shabbos: Doing and Undoing"
Thu 27/7/2006 Rabbi Aaron Hersh - "A World in a Word"
Fri 28/7/2006 Rabbi Chaim Freshwater - "Inyonei Bein Ha'metzorim"
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Sun 16/7/2006 Rabbi Yaakov Hamer - "Word 2006: Delete, Edit, Talk!"
Mon 17/7/2006 Rabbi Naftali Schiff - "Searching for the Emes of Bein Ha'metzorim"
Tue 18/7/2006 Rabbi Moshe Bunim Krausz - "Frequent Shailos Relating to Birchas Hayayin"
Wed 19/7/2006 Rabbi Dovid Lewis - "Hadlokas Neiros on Shabbos and Yom Tov"
Thu 20/7/2006 Rabbi Chaim Rapoport - "The Chiyuv of Keriah for Yerusholayim Nowadays"
Fri 21/7/2006 Rabbi Aron Jacobson - "Hilchos Eruvei Techumim"
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Sun 9/7/2006 Rabbi Dovid Roberts - "Uncovering the Cause of Causeless Hatred"
Mon 10/7/2006 Rabbi Ephraim Klyne - "Nivke'oh Ho'ir - What Really Happened on 17th Tammuz?"
Tue 11/7/2006 Rabbi Eli Brunner - "Kano'us"
Wed 12/7/2006 Rabbi Mordechai Nissim - "Measuring Personal Growth Each Day - The Shmoneh Esrei"
Thu 13/7/2006 Rabbi Yosef Grunfeld - "Qualities of Leadership"
Fri 14/7/2006 Rabbi Nissan Wilson - "Until Moshiach - Pinchos & Eliyohu"
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Sun 2/7/2006 Rabbi Ezriel Schechter - "Emunah & Bitochon in Hakodosh Boruch Hu"
Mon 3/7/2006 Rabbi Dovid Stern - "Godol K'vod Habriyos"
Tue 4/7/2006 Rabbi Yaakov Friedman - "The Beauty, the Greatness and the Power of Tov Ayin"
Wed 5/7/2006 Rabbi Menachem Lieberman - "Aniyas Omen - Answering Omen"
Thu 6/7/2006 Rabbi Dovid Rowe - "Shlucho Shel Odom Kemoso"
Fri 7/7/2006 Reb Daniel Beider - "Moshe and the Rock - What Did He Do Wrong?"
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Sun 25/6/2006 Rabbi Chaim Twerski - "Yored Le'toch Umnoso Shel Chaveiro"
Mon 26/6/2006 Rabbi Chaim Schmahl - "Perspectives on Tefillah"
Tue 27/6/2006 Rabbi Meir Rappaport - "Shabbos Morning Kugel - Hot or Cold?"
Wed 28/6/2006 Rabbi Mordechai Fein - "Overcoming Our Genetic Character"
Thu 29/6/2006 Rabbi Daniel Rowe - "Machlokes Le'sheim Shomayim"
Fri 30/6/2006 Dayan Shmuel Simons - "Can One Oven Be Used for Milk and Meat?"
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Sun 18/6/2006 Rabbi Asher Zelig Rubenstein - "Kiruv Kerovim"
Mon 19/6/2006 Rabbi Avi Ziskind - "K'rias Ha'Torah - Is It Mid'oraiso or Mid'rabonon?"
Tue 20/6/2006 Rabbi Joseph Freilich - "Lifnei Iver Modern Problems - continued"
Wed 21/6/2006 Rabbi Doniel Grunewald - "Ve'osu Lohem Tzitzis"
Thu 22/6/2006 Rabbi Yonason Chody - "Filtering/Straining Liquids on Shabbos"
Fri 23/6/2006 Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence - "Cleaning Floors on Shabbos"
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Sun 11/6/2006 Rabbi Shimon Winegarten - "Zechiras Ma'aseh Miriam"
Mon 12/6/2006 Rabbi Yehuda Levenson - "Perspectives on the Mon"
Tue 13/6/2006 Rabbi Naftoli Elzas - "It's the Attitude Which Counts"
Wed 14/6/2006 Dr Yossi Adler - "Halochos of Refuoh on Shabbos - continued: Care of Minor Illnesses"
Thu 15/6/2006 Rabbi Shlomo Farhi - "Ve'hoish Moshe Onov Me'od"
Fri 16/6/2006 Rabbi Zvi Dovid Cohen - "Amira Le'Akum"
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Sun 4/6/2006 Rabbi Yisroel Meir Greenberg - "Malchus Beis Dovid"
Mon 5/6/2006 Rabbi Joseph Pearlman - "Noso Derech & Tefilas Haderech"
Tue 6/6/2006 Rabbi Aharon Bassous - "Kevias Itim La'Torah"
Wed 7/6/2006 Rabbi Shaul Rosenblatt - "Approaches to Facing Personal Adversity"
Thu 8/6/2006 Rabbi Meir Goldberg - "Putting the Parasol Up - Issur Ohel on Shabbos."
Fri 9/6/2006 Rabbi Yehoshua Meir Freshwater - "Birkas Kohanim"
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Sun 28/5/2006 Dayan Yonasan Abraham - "Inyonei D'Yoma"
Mon 29/5/2006 Rabbi Zvi Belovski - "The Hardest Part of Kabbolas Ha'Torah"
Tue 30/5/2006 Rabbi Doniel Kleiman - "Birchas Ha'Torah"
Wed 31/5/2006 Dr Yosef Gerber - "Mountaineering (Har Sinai)"
Thu 1/6/2006 Rabbi Dovid Sulzbacher - "What Time for Ma'ariv on Leil Shevuos?"
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Sun 21/5/2006 Rabbi Yehudah Silver - "Yerushalayim - The Heart and Soul of the Universe"
Mon 22/5/2006 Rabbi Chaim Morgenstern - "Ona'as Devorim - Words That Harm, Words That Heal"
Tue 23/5/2006 Rabbi Mordechai Fachler - "A Lamb, An Ox & Twins - 3 Stages of Growth to Kabbolas Ha'Torah"
Wed 24/5/2006 Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury - "Mi'midbor Mattonah - When Least Becomes Most"
Thu 25/5/2006 Rabbi Shimon Gurwicz - "Transportation of the Mizbeach Ha'zohov"
Fri 26/5/2006 Rabbi Yaakov Hamer - "Capture the Flags"
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Sun 14/5/2006 Rabbi Aaron Hersh - "Lag B'Omer: Seeing the Future"
Mon 15/5/2006 Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis - "Blessings in the Curses"
Tue 16/5/2006 Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu - "Lag B'Omer Theme"
Wed 17/5/2006 Rabbi Chaim Rapoport - "Is There a Reward for Mitzvos in This World?"
Thu 18/5/2006 Rabbi Rashi Simon - "The Lion and the Lamb: Niglah vs. Nistar on Yemos Ha'Moshiach"
Fri 19/5/2006 Rabbi Chaim Freshwater - "Insights into the Parsha"
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Sun 7/5/2006 Rabbi Moshe Halpern - "Is One Liable for Damaging Someone Else's Passport?"
Mon 8/5/2006 Rabbi Avi Hill - "Emunah U'Bitochon - How to Win the Lottery"
Tue 9/5/2006 Reb Chaim Schimmel - "Rebbe - Is This Fair? Halochoh and Morality"
Wed 10/5/2006 Rabbi Leibish Heller - "Melochos of Shabbos: When Quantity Determines Quality"
Thu 11/5/2006 Rabbi Akiva Josovic - "Perspectives on Judaism in the Diaspora"
Fri 12/5/2006 Rabbi Chaim Pearlman - "Insights into Pesach Sheni"
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Sun 30/4/2006 Dayan Chanoch Friedman - "Inyonim of Parshas Kedoshim"
Mon 1/5/2006 Rabbi Yechiel Levenberg - "Should Women Count the Omer?"
Tue 2/5/2006 Rabbi Daniel Rowe - "Parsha Theme"
Wed 3/5/2006 Rabbi Dovid Stern - "Lifnei Iver"
Thu 4/5/2006 Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft - "Bekeshe or Jeans: Inyonim of Chukas Ha'goy"
Fri 5/5/2006 Reb Nosson Dovid Turner - "Rabbi Akiva & Ve'ohavto Le'reacho Komocho""
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Sun 23/4/2006 Rabbi Yechiel Cohen - "Fresh Bread - Holding on to Inspiration"
Mon 24/4/2006 Rabbi Heshy Kleinman - "Igniting the Power of Your Tefillah"
Tue 25/4/2006 Rabbi Shimshon Silkin - "Counting on You"
Wed 26/4/2006 Rabbi Chaim Schmahl - "Chinuch - The Positives and the Negatives"
Thu 27/4/2006 Rabbi Avraham Gubbay - "Rice & Kitniyos: Why was it Different for Sefardim?"
Fri 28/4/2006 Rabbi Shlomey Klor - "Is Sefiras Ha'Omer Chiyuv De'Rabonon Today? - Halachic Implications"
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Sun 16/4/2006 Rabbi�Eliezer Freifeld - "Sefiras Ha'Omer"
Mon 17/4/2006 Rabbi Eli Brunner - "Emunah on Pesach"
Tue 18/4/2006 Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater - "Pesach, Matzoh & Moror"
Fri 21/4/2006 Reb Alex Strom - "The Omer - The Inside Story"
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Sun 9/4/2006 Rabbi Akiva Tatz - "Priorities in Saving Life"
Mon 10/4/2006 Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence - "Mitzvas Sippur Yetziyas Mitzrayim"
Tue 11/4/2006 Rabbi�Joseph Freilich - "Haggadah Insights"
Wed 12/4/2006 Reb Eli Karp - "The Korban Pesach"
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Sun 2/4/2006 Rabbi Pinchos Breuer - "Bitochon On Pessach"
Mon 3/4/2006 Rabbi Avrohom Adler - "Halachic Aspects of Medicines on Pesach"
Tue 4/4/2006 Rabbi Yonason Chody - "Bedikas Chometz"
Wed 5/4/2006 Rabbi Benzion Weitz - "Hag'olas Keilim"
Thu 6/4/2006 Rabbi Yoel Rabinowitz - "Mitzvas Haseivah"
Fri 7/4/2006 Rabbi Shmuel Simons - "Eruv Tavshilin - what is actually permitted"
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Sun 26/3/2006 Rabbi Moshe Shirkin - "Roshei Chodoshim: the Greatness of Am Yisroel"
Mon 27/3/2006 Rabbi Nosson Burstein - "Topical Theme"
Tue 28/3/2006 Reb Uri Neufeld - "The Significance of the Month of Nissan"
Wed 29/3/2006 Rabbi Mordechai Leitner - "L'Olam Yehei Odom"
Thu 30/3/2006 Rabbi Chaim Rapoport - "Abstention from Chometz Guarantees a Sin-free Year"
Fri 31/3/2006 Rabbi Malcolm Herman - "Haggaddah Perspectives for the Family"
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Sun 19/3/2006 Rabbi Dovid Roberts - "Masterly Inactivity"
Mon 20/3/2006 Rabbi Avrohom Posen - "Tosefes Shabbos v'Tosefes Yom Tov"
Tue 21/3/2006 Rabbi Lionel Broder - "The Torah Sources for Shevus"
Wed 22/3/2006 Rabbi Aaron Hersh - "Building the Mishkan Twice"
Thu 23/3/2006 Rabbi Doniel Mann - "Selected Topics about Tzedokah"
Fri 24/3/2006 Reb Mendy Bude - "Arba Kosos and the Law"
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Sun 12/3/2006 Rabbi Yitzchok Schochet - "Behind the Purim Mask"
Mon 13/3/2006 Rabbi Shmuel Jakobovitz - "The Kedushah of Jewish History"
Tue 14/3/2006 Rabbi Dovid Stern - "Mitzvas Purim"
Wed 15/3/2006 Rabbi Reuven Atlas - "The Yesod of Machatzis Ha'Shekel"
Thu 16/3/2006 Rabbi Doniel Grunewald - "Four Special Parshiyos on the Road to Pesach"
Fri 17/3/2006 Rabbi Alan Kimche - "Four Types of Kedushoh"
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Sun 5/3/2006 Rabbi Yerachmiel Milstein - "Shesh Mitzvos T'midiyos"
Mon 6/3/2006 Rabbi Yehoshua Posen - "Mechusar Emunah - Breach of Trust"
Tue 7/3/2006 Dr Yossi Adler - "Halochos of Refuoh on Shabbos"
Wed 8/3/2006 Rabbi Joseph Pearlman - "Secret Remozim from Megillas Esther"
Thu 9/3/2006 Rabbi Jonathan Dove - "The Role of Self-Esteem in our Avodas Hashem"
Fri 10/3/2006 Mr Yankey Wiesenfeld - "Refuas Ha'nefesh veHa'guf"
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Sun 26/2/2006 Rabbi Eliezer Silver - "When Two Halves are More Than a Whole"
Mon 27/2/2006 Reb Yitzchok Ziskind - "Rejoicing at the Success of Others � Moshe & Aharon"
Tue 28/2/2006 Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury - "MiShenichnas Adar Marbim Beshimcha"
Wed 1/3/2006 Rabbi Pinchos Roberts - "The 'role' of the dice..."
Thu 2/3/2006 Rabbi Yaakov Salomon - "The Parenting Challenge: Work-Learn-Homework - The Balance"
Fri 3/3/2006 Rabbi Joseph Freilich - "Lifnei Iver � Modern Problems (continued)"
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Sun 19/2/2006 Rabbi Eliezer Lieber Schneebalg - "Hisorerus Be'inyonei Kashrus"
Mon 20/2/2006 Rabbi Chaim Yitzchok Greenblatt - "Parshas Mishpotim in our Daily Life"
Tue 21/2/2006 Rabbi Shlomo Farhi - "Above the Law"
Wed 22/2/2006 Rabbi Binyomin Goodman - "Torah Glasses"
Thu 23/2/2006 Rabbi Zvi Belovski - "The Mizbeach and Mishpotim � Partners in Crime?"
Fri 24/2/2006 Rabbi Yehudah Boruch Lieberman - "What's Wrong with a Non-Jewish Court?"
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Sun 12/2/2006 Rabbi Yehudah Silver - "Tu B'Shevat, Olive Oil and Shevet Asher"
Mon 13/2/2006 Rabbi David Lister - "The Wonderful World of 11"
Tue 14/2/2006 Rabbi Elozor Lieberman - "Meleches Shabbos"
Wed 15/2/2006 Rabbi Leibish Heller - "Carrying on Shabbos - Is There a Catch?"
Thu 16/2/2006 Rabbi Dovid Connick - "Hachonoh for Kabolas Ha'Torah"
Fri 17/2/2006 Rabbi Yehoshua Meir Freshwater - "Parsha Theme"
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Sun 5/2/2006 Rabbi Yitzchok Ehrenfeld - "U'meoz Bosi El Paroah vs. Oz Yoshir Moshe"
Mon 6/2/2006 Rabbi Dov Brezak - "In Pursuit of Perfection"
Tue 7/2/2006 Rabbi Meir Rappaport - "Why a Blech?"
Wed 8/2/2006 Dayan Ivan Binstock - "How to Sing Shira"
Thu 9/2/2006 Rabbi Dovid Ordman - "G-d and Man's Role in History"
Fri 10/2/2006 Rabbi Shmuel Steinhart - "Service with a Smile"
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Sun 29/1/2006 Rabbi Ephraim Klyne - "Are Eruvin Really Midrabonon?"
Mon 30/1/2006 Rabbi Chaim Freshwater - "Kiddush Hachodesh"
Tue 31/1/2006 Rabbi�Osher Zelig Rubinstein - "Taking Yourself out of Mitzrayim"
Wed 1/2/2006 Rabbi�Simcha Kook - "Kavonah B'Tefillah"
Thu 2/2/2006 Rabbi�Rephoel Godlewsky - "Having a Le'chaim with a Non-Jew"
Fri 3/2/2006 Reb Nosson Dovid Turner - "Kiddush Levonoh"
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Sun 22/1/2006 Dayan Yonasan Abraham - "Understanding Shem Hashem"
Mon 23/1/2006 Rabbi Yonason Chody - "Peeling Fruit & Vegetables on Shabbos"
Tue 24/1/2006 Rabbi�Joseph Freilich - "Lifnei Iver�- Modern Problems"
Wed 25/1/2006 Rabbi Aaron Hersh - "Golus Mitzrayim - Golus Ha'dibbur"
Thu 26/1/2006 Rabbi�Zvi Telsner - "The Four Expressions of Geulah"
Fri 27/1/2006 Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence - "Hachono from Shabbos to Motzoei Shabbos"
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Sun 15/1/2006 Rabbi Yechiel Levenberg - "What's in a Name?"
Mon 16/1/2006 Rabbi Michoel Ber Weissmandl - "The Halochos of Meah Brochos"
Tue 17/1/2006 Rabbi�Aron Jacobson - "Zeh Shmi Le'Olom"
Wed 18/1/2006 Rabbi Chaim Morgenstern - "The Art of Communication:�Practical & Effective Skills"
Thu 19/1/2006 Rabbi�Danny Kirsch - "Too Long an Exile"
Fri 20/1/2006 Rabbi�Dovid Stern - "The Three Keys to Geuloh"
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Sun 8/1/2006 Rabbi Benzion Weitz - "Lisha B'Shabbos - What You 'Knead' to Know"
Mon 9/1/2006 Rabbi Chaim Rapoport - "Is it Permitted to Recite Half a Possuk?"
Tue 10/1/2006 Rabbi Joseph Pearlman - "The Lion & the Snake: the Brochos of Yehudah & Don?"
Wed 11/1/2006 Rabbi Nesanel Lieberman - "Tzipiso Li'yeshuoh"
Thu 12/1/2006 Rabbi Shimon Kaplin - "Why Golus Yishmoel"
Fri 13/1/2006 Rabbi Yehoshua Kraushar - "Ephraim & Menashe - the Root of Unity"
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Sun 1/1/2006 Dayan Abraham David - "Hilchos Chanukah"
Mon 2/1/2006 Rabbi Eli Brunner - "Yosef's Revelations"
Tue 3/1/2006 Rabbi Yitzchok Fierstone - "How Much May We Eat at a Kiddush?"
Wed 4/1/2006 Rabbi Jeremy Conway - "Kashrus and the Honeybee"
Thu 5/1/2006 Rabbi Reuven Stepsky - "Shabbos - A Taste of the World to Come"
Fri 6/1/2006 Rabbi Shimon Gurwicz - "The Essence of 8th & 9th of Teves"
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Sun 25/12/2005 Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater - "Inyonei Chanuka"
Mon 26/12/2005 Rabbi Chaim Schmahl - "Chanukah and Chinuch"
Tue 27/12/2005 Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury - "The Steady but Sure Route to Success"
Wed 28/12/2005 Rabbi Zvi Belovski - "Shem, Yefes and the Real Story of Chanukah"
Thu 29/12/2005 Rabbi Dovid Dunner - "Topical Theme"
Fri 30/12/2005 Reb Bobby Hill - "Where is Chanukah in the Torah She'baal Peh?"
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Sun 18thRabbi Shimon Winegarten - Hasogas Gevul (cont.) - the Halochoh & Hashkofah"
Mon 19thRabbi Dovid Y Koenig - "Contemporary Eruvei Chatzeros in Hotels"
Tues 20thRabbi Yehoshua Posen - "Who pays for the burst football?"
Wed 21stRabbi Chaim Yitzchok Greenblatt - "Mechiras Yosef"
Thur 22ndRabbi Malcolm Herman - "Let There be Light: the Uniqueness of Chanukah"
Fri 23rdRabbi Yehuda Boruch Lieberman - "Yaakov, Yosef and the Chashmonaim"
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Sun 11thRabbi Yeshayahu Borenstein - "Themes on the Parsha"
Mon 12thRabbi Mordechai Fachler - "Yehudah, Gratitude and Chanukah"
Tues 13thRabbi Avrohom Rockmill - "Reflections post 9/11 and 7/7"
Wed 14thRabbi Yitzchok Meir Hertz - "Halochos of Chanukah on Shabbos"
Thur 15thRabbi Chaim Rapoport - �Using Utensils That Have Not Been Toiveled�
Fri 16thReb Osher Chaim Levene - �Pygmies & Giants � Sins of the Ancients�
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Sun 4thRabbi Dovid Stern - "Birchas Ha'Torah"
Mon 5thReb Simcha Halberstadt - "Halachic Insights into Tefilloh"
Tues 6thRabbi Moshe Halpern - "Sending a Computer Virus - What's the Problem?"
Wed 7thRabbi Yoel Domb - "How was Yaakov Permitted to Leave Eretz Yisroel?"
Thur 8thRabbi Dovid Tugendhaft - "Bo Be'machteres - The Tony Martin Case"
Fri 9thRabbi Shaya Karlinsky - "Lifnim M'shuras Hadin: Holiness in Our Businesses"
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Sun 27thDayan Chanoch Ehrentreu - "Bircas Ha'aretz in Bircas Hamozon"
Mon 28thRabbi Zvi Belovski - "Brochos and Bechorah: How Ya�akov Braved the Future"
Tues 29thRabbi Chaim Pearlman - "Teaching the Challenging Child"
Wed 30thRabbi Aron Hersh - "Yitzchok & Rivkah - Two Sides of the Same Coin?"
Thur 1stDayan Y Y Lichtenstein - �Compromise � the Preferred Torah Resolution of Disputes�
Fri 2ndRabbi Chaim Freshwater - "A Case of Mistaken Identity"

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Sun 20thRabbi Dovid Roberts - "Ma'aseh Ovos Simon Le'bonim"
Mon 21thRabbi Rashi Simon - "Burial & Betrayal: Property Rights in the Promised Land, Then & Now"
Tues 22thRabbi Pinchos Roberts - Kibbud Av
Wed 23thRabbi Yehudah Silver - "Connecting Geulah to Tefillah"
Thur 24thRabbi Joseph Pearlman - "Parsha Insights into Time Management"
Fri 25thRabbi Shimon Gurwicz - "The Purchase of the Meoras Hamachpelo"

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Sun 13thRabbi Dovid Cohn - "Hashovas Aveida to the king of Sodom"
Mon 14thRabbi Aharon Bassous - "Insights in Tefilla"
Tues 15thRabbi M Ginsbury - 'Uvocharto bachayim' - choosing to live or living to choose?!
Wed 16thRabbi Chaim Schmahl - "References to Chinuch in the Torah"
Thur 17thRabbi Yosef Grunfeld - "Testing, Testing - 4 different approaches to the Akeida"
Fri 18thRabbi Daniel Rowe - "The fusion of Chessed & Yiro"(slight recording interference)

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Sun 6thRabbi Chaim Halpern - "Divrei pesicha"
Mon 7thRabbi Dovid Stern - "Mitzvas Mila"
Tues 8thRabbi Aron Hersh - "The hardest journeys in life"
Wed 9thRabbi Shimon Winegarten - "Hasogas Gevul (Intro) - the Halochoh & Hashkofah"
Thur 10thRabbi Shmuel Simons - "Mezonos Bread in the workplace"
Fri 11thRabbi Meir Rappaport - "Everlasting signs"

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