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4th Year (5769-5770) Schedule
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Sun 15/11/2009 Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky - "Ayin Hora"
Sun 15/11/2009 Rabbi Shmuel Dishon - "Hashkafic Reflections on Sefer Bereishis"
Mon 16/11/2009 Rabbi Mendy Chissick - "Vaya'akveini Zeh Pa'amoyim"
Tue 17/11/2009 Rabbi Yehudah Bulman - "Tevilas Keilim"
Wed 18/11/2009 Rabbi Malcolm Herman - "Topical Theme"
Thu 19/11/2009 Rabbi Michoel Shoul Roitenbarg - "Can One Cheat Honestly?"
Fri 20/11/2009 Rabbi Lippa Rabinowitz - "Insights into Parshas Toldos"
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Sun 8/11/2009 Rabbi Naftali Ganzvi - "Akeidas Yitzchok in Halocha"
Mon 9/11/2009 Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Karnowsky - "Kovod Habriyos"
Tue 10/11/2009 Rabbi Chaim Pearlman - "Electronic Sensors on Shabbos"
Wed 11/11/2009 Rabbi Chaim Halpern - "Nisuin, Shadchonim, Mechutonim"
Thu 12/11/2009 Rabbi Chaim Ruben - "The Legacy of Rav Moshe zk''l"
Fri 13/11/2009 Rabbi Zvi Belovski - "Parshas Chayei Soroh - From where did Avrohom come?"
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Sun 1/11/2009 Rabbi Yossi Cohen - "The Fascinating Mezuzah"
Mon 2/11/2009 Rabbi Osher Zelig Rubinstein - "Topical Theme"
Tue 3/11/2009 Rabbi Moshe Bunim Krausz - "Are Women Included in Mitzvas Kiddush & Seudas Yom Tov?"
Wed 4/11/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Posen - "Series: Halocho in the Work Place Part 7, Q&A on Hilchos Ribis"
Thu 5/11/2009 Rabbi Yaakov Hamer - "Avrohom's Last Stand"
Fri 6/11/2009 Rabbi Ephraim Pearlman - "Insights into Parshas Vayeiroh"
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Sun 25/10/2009 Rabbi Dr. Asher Wade - "From Pastor to Frum Jew - A Path of Discovery"
Mon 26/10/2009 Dayan Chanoch Friedman - "More Shaalos with Dinei Momnos"
Tue 27/10/2009 Rabbi Leibish Heller - "SERIES: Shaalos in Hilchos Beis Hakneses - (1) Sidurim that were Printed on Shabbos"
Wed 28/10/2009 Rabbi Yeshaya Schlesinger - "Asoro Nisyonos"
Thu 29/10/2009 Rabbi Shlomo Reich - "Wearing a Tallis and Not being Bechaven Lesheim Mitzvah"
Fri 30/10/2009 Rabbi Danny Kirsch - "Inyona Parshas Lech Lecho"
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Sun 18/10/2009 Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater - "Kibbud Av in Relation to Ben Noach"
Mon 19/10/2009 Rabbi Yehuda Levenson - "Parshas Noach"
Tue 20/10/2009 Rabbi Yossi David - "Hilchos Kedushas Beis Hakneses"
Wed 21/10/2009 Rabbi Chaim Silver - "Awaken My Neshomah"
Thu 22/10/2009 Rabbi Boruch Wasyng - "Lo Sachmod & Chomos"
Fri 23/10/2009 Rabbi Osher Sternbuch - "Insights into Parshas Noach"
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Mon 12/10/2009 Rabbi Michoel Kritzler - "Beis Hamikdosh, In Who's Chelek?"
Tue 13/10/2009 Dayan Aharon Yitzchok Binstock - "L'Dovid H-shem Ori - Lessons Learnt"
Wed 14/10/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Frickers - "Coorporate Law Dineh D'Malchusah"
Thu 15/10/2009 Rabbi Avrohom Ehrentreu - "Vayechulu"
Fri 16/10/2009 Rabbi Anthony Manning - "The 13 Ikarim of the Rambam"
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Mon 5/10/2009 Rabbi Chaim Halpern - "Inyonei Succos including - Achilas Araey & Keva"
Tue 6/10/2009 Rabbi Dovid Roberts - "Succos Topic"
Wed 7/10/2009 Rabbi Yitzchok Lev - "Korbonos Bizman Hazeh"
Thu 8/10/2009 Rabbi Pinchos Roberts - "Inyonei D'yoma"
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Sun 27/9/2009 Rabbi Joey Grunfeld - "Towards a Better Yom Kippur"
Tue 29/9/2009 Dr Sholom Springer - "Clouds of Glory"
Wed 30/9/2009 Rabbi Zvi Lebovics - "The Beis Hamikdosh"
Thu 1/10/2009 Rabbi Michoel Scharf - "Purchasing Raw Fish"
Fri 2/10/2009 Rabbi Dovid Sulzbacher - "Z'man Simchoseinu"
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Mon 21/9/2009 Rabbi Dovid Halpern - "Are Women Mechuyovos to fast on Erev Yom Kippur"
Tue 22/9/2009 Rabbi Shlomo Farhi - "Shivti B'veis H-shem"
Wed 23/9/2009 Rabbi Joseph Freilich - "'Please Forgive Me' � How Far?"
Thu 24/9/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Posen - "Series: Halocho in the Work Place Part 6, Final part on Hilchos Ribis"
Fri 25/9/2009 Rabbi Yehudah Boruch Lieberman - "What a Bargain!"
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Sun 13/9/2009 Rabbi Doniel Rowe - "Topical Theme"
Mon 14/9/2009 Rabbi Leibish Heller - "Yomim Noroim"
Tue 15/9/2009 Rabbi Shlomo Michoel Englard - "Hatoran Nedorim"
Wed 16/9/2009 Rabbi Dovid Stern - "Are Women Mechuyovos in Mitzvas Kesivas Sefer Torah"
Thu 17/9/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Meir Freshwater - "Inyona D'yoma"
Fri 18/9/2009 Rabbi Sholom Segal - "Rosh Hashana, A Time to Embrace H-shem"
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Sun 6/9/2009 Rabbi Joseph Pearlman - "Bag Hamelech Pas Vayeilech"
Mon 7/9/2009 Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin - "Rosh HaShana - Halachic issues arising in Kiruv activities"
Tue 8/9/2009 Rabbi Aaron Jacobson - "Topical Theme"
Wed 9/9/2009 Rabbi Yehudah Silver - "The Wake-Up Call"
Thu 10/9/2009 Rabbi Shimon Gurwicz - "Tefilla B'tashlumin"
Fri 11/9/2009 Rabbi Yechiel Levenberg - "Inyonei T'shuva"
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Sun 30/8/2009 Rabbi Rephoel Godlewsky - "Can a Man Look in a Mirror"
Mon 31/8/2009 Dayan Shmuel Simons - "A Shaloh in Hilchos Brochos"
Tue 1/9/2009 Rabbi Dovid Connick - "Parshas KiSovo"
Wed 2/9/2009 Rabbi Jonathan Rietti - "Elul: Time Out with My Therapist"
Thu 3/9/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Posen - "Series: Halocho in the Work Place Part 5, Ribis (d) - Hetter Iska"
Fri 4/9/2009 Dayan Yom Tov Sanger - "Who gets the Aliyah? - A Dilema for the Gabbeh"
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Sun 23/8/2009 Rabbi Michoel Jablinowitz - "Hilchos Brochos"
Mon 24/8/2009 Rabbi Aron Yitzchock Silber - "Shiluach Hakan"
Tue 25/8/2009 Rabbi Moshe Betzalel Grossnass - "Mitzvas Simchas Chosson v'Kalloh"
Wed 26/8/2009 Dr Yossi Adler - "Taking Medication on Shabbos"
Thu 27/8/2009 Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence - "A Sha'ala in Hilchos Mezuza"
Fri 28/8/2009 Rabbi Chaim Rapoport - "Insights into Parshas Ki Seitzei"
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Sun 16/8/2009 Rabbi Shraga Kallus (Extra Shiur) - "Kiddush Hashem"
Mon 17/8/2009 Rabbi Shraga Kallus (Extra Shiur) - "Business Matters"
Wed 19/8/2009 Rabbi Ephraim Klyne - "The Minhogim & Halochos of Tekiyas Shofor on Rosh Chodesh Elul"
Thu 20/8/2009 Rabbi Yaakov Moskovits - "Inyona D'yoma"
Fri 21/8/2009 Rabbi Mendy Chissick - "Elul: The Power of 40"
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Mon 3/8/2009 Rabbi Shraga Kallus - "Mysticism Series - Ayin Horah"
Tue 4/8/2009 Rabbi Shraga Kallus - "Mysticism Series - Superstition In Halacha"
Wed 5/8/2009 Rabbi Shraga Kallus - "Mysticism Series - Dreams In Halacha & Hashkafa"
Thu 6/8/2009 Rabbi Shraga Kallus - "Mysticism Series - Segulos"
Sun 9/8/2009 Rabbi Shraga Kallus - "Hounouring Parents & In-Laws"
Mon 10/8/2009 Rabbi Shraga Kallus - "Friendship Series - Lo Sachmod � Is it Really That Bad?"
Tue 11/8/2009 Rabbi Shraga Kallus - "Friendship Series - Sweet Revenge"
Wed 12/8/2009 Rabbi Shraga Kallus - "Friendship Series - It�s not Loshon Hora, it�s True!"
Thu 13/8/2009 Rabbi Shraga Kallus - "Friendship Series - In the other Persons Shoes"
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Sun 26/7/2009 Rabbi Aaron Hersh - "Making the Kinnos Personal"
Mon 27/7/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Posen - "Series: Halocho in the Work Place Part 4, Ribis (Part c) - Business Loans"
Tue 28/7/2009 Rabbi Zechariah Jacobson - "Selling a Mezuzoh to a Goy"
Wed 29/7/2009 Rabbi Elchonon Goldblatt - "Inyonei D'yoma"
Fri 31/7/2009 Rabbi Yitzchok Fierstone - "Parshas Voeschanan"
Sun 2/8/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman - "Parshas Devorim: Shomo'a Bein Acheichem"
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Sun 19/7/2009 Rabbi Yaakov Rapoport - "Sand, Stars and Redemption"
Mon 20/7/2009 Rabbi Yehonason Alpren - "Soul Survivors in Golus"
Tue 21/7/2009 Rabbi Shimon Knopfler - "Asher Lo Birchu BaTorah Techiloh"
Wed 22/7/2009 Rabbi Yehudah Silver - "The Agony and The Ecstasy"
Thu 23/7/2009 Rabbi Dovid Cohn - "Halachic Topic"
Fri 24/7/2009 Dayan Yisroel Yaakov Lichtenstein - "Parshas Devorim: Shomo'a Bein Acheichem"
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Sun 12/7/2009 Rabbi Dr Yosef Gerber - "The Light at the End of The Tunnel"
Mon 13/7/2009 Rabbi Shloma Miller - "Bein Hametzorim"
Tue 14/7/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Posen - "Series: Halocho in the Work Place Part 3, Ribis-Interest (b) Late Payment Penalties"
Wed 15/7/2009 Rabbi Dovid Eisenberg - "The Aliyah that Created an Aliyah"
Thu 16/7/2009 Dayan Boruch Rapoport - "Halachic Case Study: Unjust Enrichment"
Fri 17/7/2009 Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft - "Inyonei Parshas Matos - Masei"
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Sun 5/7/2009 Rabbi Menachem Apter - "Tzipisa Liyeshua - Are We Really Waiting?"
Mon 6/7/2009 HaRav Yaakov Eliezer Schwartzman - "Mah Toivu Oholecho Yaakov"
Tue 7/7/2009 Rabbi Michoel Greenblatt - "Tefillin - How Many Mitzvos?"
Wed 8/7/2009 Rabbi Shmuel Wolf - "Ones Wife After Techiyas Hameisim"
Thu 9/7/2009 Rabbi Shimshon Silkin - "Broken Luchos, Shattered Dreams"
Fri 10/7/2009 Rabbi Dr Dovid Fox - "Parshas Pinchos - Moshe Rabbeinu's Plea for a 'Shepherd to Guard the Flock'"
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Sun 28/6/2009 Rabbi Zev Leff - "True Sholom"
Mon 29/6/2009 Rabbi Moshe Bunim Krausz - "Shoimeah Ke'oneh"
Tue 30/6/2009 Rabbi Yaakov Friedman - "The Infinite Power of Humility"
Wed 1/7/2009 Rabbi Dovid Zahn - "Parshas Bolok - There is More to it Than Meets the Eye"
Thu 2/7/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Posen - "Series: Halocho in the Work Place Part 2, Ribis-Interest (a) Intro, Examples & Limited Companies"
Fri 3/7/2009 Rabbi Chaim Freshwater - "Inyonei Parshas Chukas/Bollok"
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Sun 21/6/2009 Rabbi Boruch Dov Grossnass - "Issur Yichud B'Shogeg"
Mon 22/6/2009 Rabbi Malcolm Herman - "Bein Yisroel L´amim"
Tue 23/6/2009 Rabbi Peretz Segal - "Nature and Supernature - A new dimension in the mundane"
Wed 24/6/2009 Rabbi Yossi David - "Z'manim Part 4 - Zmanei Tefilla P.M."
Thu 25/6/2009 Rabbi Dr Ephraim Dovid Becker - "Tell Me Your Q & I'll Tell You Who U R: A Man is as Mature as how He Expresses His Needs"
Fri 26/6/2009 Rabbi Yossi Cohen - "Korach - Machlokes & Loshon Hora"
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Sun 14/6/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Posen - "New Series: Halocho in the Workplace Part 1"
Mon 15/6/2009 Rabbi Arye Leib Godlewsky - "23rd Sivan - Parshas Shlach Lecho"
Tue 16/6/2009 Dr Sholom Springer - "To Function as a Jew we Must Live Beyond Reason"
Wed 17/6/2009 Rabbi Eli Brunner - "Tzitzis"
Thu 18/6/2009 Rabbi Binyomin Seligmann - "Business advice from the Chofetz Chayim"
Fri 19/6/2009 Rabbi Leibish Heller - "Parshas Shlach Lecho - The Meraglim"
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Sun 7/6/2009 Rabbi Shlomo Farhi - "Koach HaKoroh - The Power of Recognisig"
Mon 8/6/2009 Rabbi Zvi Belovski - "The Chatzotzeros"
Tue 9/6/2009 Rabbi Yakov Yehuda Salomon - "Emunas Chachomim"
Wed 10/6/2009 Rabbi Doniel Grunewald - "Halocha L'Maaseh - Bossor V'Cholov"
Thu 11/6/2009 Rabbi Yossi David - "Series on Z'manim Part 3: Z'manei Tefillah"
Fri 12/6/2009 Rabbi Yaakov Hamer - "Inyonei Parshas Behalosecha"
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Sun 31/5/2009 Rabbi Akiva Tatz - "Risk & Danger in Medicine & Life"
Mon 1/6/2009 Rabbi Sholom Segal - "What Ever happened to 'Mr Kind.' ?"
Tue 2/6/2009 Rabbi Chaim Yitzchok Greenblatt - "Mitzvos that are Preformed Betzibur"
Wed 3/6/2009 Rabbi Moshe Haliwa - "Birchas Kohanim & Birchas Habonim"
Thu 4/6/2009 Rabbi Shmuel Zucker - "Post Shavuos"
Fri 5/6/2009 Rabbi Avrohom Jacobson - "Parshas Noso - Shomea Ke'ona"
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Sun 24/5/2009 Rabbi Joey Grunfeld - "Ma'mad Har Sinai"
Mon 25/5/2009 Rabbi Chaim Halpern - Ho'omer Dovor Besheim Omro
Mon 25/5/2009 Rabbi Eliezer Lieber Schneebalg - Tikkun Leil Shavuos
Mon 25/5/2009 Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu - Sefiras Ho'omer
Tue 26/5/2009 Rabbi Doniel Kleiman - "Limud HaTorah"
Wed 27/5/2009 Rabbi Dovid Stern - "Is our Shavuos Actually Zman Matan Toroseinu?"
Thu 28/5/2009 Rabbi Jeremy Golker - "The Battle for Torah"
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Sun 17/5/2009 Rabbi Binyomin Shlomo Hamburger - "Nusach HaSefira"
Mon 18/5/2009 Rabbi Nosson Burstein - "The Practicle Aspect of Kabollas HaTorah"
Tue 19/5/2009 Rabbi Yoseph Engel - "Sholom Bayis & Graphology - (Bring Your Pen!)"
Wed 20/5/2009 Rabbi Yossi David - "Series on Z'manim Part 2: Z'manei Plag, Shabbos & Yom Tov"
Thu 21/5/2009 Rabbi Avrohom Fordsham - "Megillas Ruth"
Fri 22/5/2009 Rabbi Osher Sternbuch - "Insights into Parshas Barmidbor"
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Sun 10/5/2009 Rabbi Yeshaya Schlesinger - "Matan Torah"
Mon 11/5/2009 Rabbi Dovid Halpern - "Rabi Shimon Bar-Yochai"
Tue 12/5/2009 Rabbi Dovid Roberts - "Lag Bo'omer"
Wed 13/5/2009 Rabbi Shaul Yonatan Tawil - "Shavuos: Our Children Our Guarantors"
Thu 14/5/2009 Rabbi Yechiel Levenberg - "Missing Sefira - Is it Brocho L'vatolah"
Fri 15/5/2009 Reb Yankey Wiesenfeld - "The Tochachah, Who Wants this Aliyah?"
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Sun 3/5/2009 Rabbi Yossi David - "Series on Z'manim Part 1: Z'man Rabeinu Tam"
Mon 4/5/2009 Rabbi Yehudah Silver - "The Goal of Our Counting"
Tue 5/5/2009 Rabbi Joseph Freilich - "Saving One's Fellow Man - How Far?"
Wed 6/5/2009 Rabbi Moshe Halpern - "Entering Shul Whilst Wearing Tefilin"
Thu 7/5/2009 Rabbi Yaakov Rabin - "Criticism: Constructive, not Destructive"
Fri 8/5/2009 Rabbi Joseph Pearlman - "Pessach Sheini"
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Sun 26/4/2009 Dayan Yitzchok Silver - "The Mitzvas Bein Odom L'Chaveiro"
Mon 27/4/2009 Rabbi Betzalel Korn - "Cultivating our hearts for Kabbolas Hatorah"
Tue 28/4/2009 Rabbi Chaim Schmahl - "Parshas Achareimos"
Wed 29/4/2009 Dayan Chanoch Friedman - "Shaalos with Dinei Momnos"
Thu 30/4/2009 Rabbi Matisyohu Lawrence - "The Problem of Papaya"
Fri 1/5/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Meir Freshwater - "Insights into Parshas Achareimos Kedoshim"
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Sun 19/4/2009 Rabbi Reuven Atlas - "Defining the Keli with Menochos"
Mon 20/4/2009 Rabbi Boruch Dzialowski - "Bizmanoy or Sheloy Bibmanoy, Which Bris Frist?"
Tue 21/4/2009 Rabbi Reuven Stepsky - "Mokom Kovuah L'Tefilla"
Wed 22/4/2009 Rabbi Yonason Chody - "Series on Amira L'akum - Part 3: Ada�ato d�nafshei and Its Applications"
Thu 23/4/2009 Rabbi Jonathan Rietti - "The Greatness of Being Tested"
Fri 24/4/2009 Rabbi Yitzchok Fierstone - "Parshas Tazria-Metzora"
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Sun 12/4/2009 Rabbi Eliezer Freifeld - "Mitzvas Haseivoh"
Mon 13/4/2009 Rabbi Naftoli Rosenberg - "Getting Into Deep Water"
Tue 14/4/2009 Rabbi Yonosson Royde - "Hiddur Mitzvah"
Fri 17/4/2009 Rabbi Gershon Winegarten - "Perspectives on Parshas Shmini"
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Sun 5/4/2009 Rabbi Aaron Hersh (Soro Felsenstein Hall) - "Birchas Hachama Series Part 3: Nissan, Tishri & The Concept of Perfection"
Mon 6/4/2009 Rabbi Bentzion Weitz - "Seder Night - Halachic Highlights"
Tue 7/4/2009 Rabbi Eli Segal - "Where Avdus Meets Cheirus"
Wed 8/4/2009 Rabbi Mendy Chissick - "The Sun and Four Sons"
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Sun 29/3/2009 Rabbi Moshe Shirkin - "Zeman Cheiruseinu"
Mon 30/3/2009 Dr Yossi Adler - "Getting the Foucs Right at the Seder"
Tue 31/3/2009 Rabbi Avi Hill - "Preparing for Freedom"
Wed 1/4/2009 Rabbi Emmanuel Patcas - "Mechiras Chometz"
Thu 2/4/2009 Rabbi Chaim Rapoport - "Birchas Hachama Series Part 2: Halochos, Customs & Disputes"
Fri 3/4/2009 Rabbi Yoel Rabinowitz - "Inyonei De�yoma"
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Sun 22/3/2009 Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin - "Birchas Hachama Series - PART 1: Understanding The Relevant Astronomy and Astrology"
Mon 23/3/2009 Rabbi Zvi Belovski - "The Fifth Cup"
Tue 24/3/2009 Rabbi Chaim Krausz - "Hilchos Challoh"
Wed 25/3/2009 Rabbi Dovid Lewis - "HaPeturim Mi'Korban Pessach"
Thu 26/3/2009 Rabbi Chaim Freshwater - "Topical Theme"
Fri 27/3/2009 Rabbi Dovid Abecasis - "Insights into Parshas Vayikrah"
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Sun 15/3/2009 Rabbi Shimshon Silkin - "Moshe Rabeinu & Interdependence"
Mon 16/3/2009 Rabbi Osher Zelig Rubinstein - "Are you dancing around the Eigel HaZohov?"
Tue 17/3/2009 Rabbi Malcolm Herman - "600,000 Letters In The Torah?"
Wed 18/3/2009 Rabbi Rephoel Godlewsky - "Machine Matzos for Seder - Pros & Cons"
Thu 19/3/2009 Rabbi Yonason Chody - "Series on Amira L'akum - Part 2: When is Amira L�Akum permitted?"
Fri 20/3/2009 Rabbi Shimon Gurwicz - "Insights into the Parsho & Parshas HaChodesh"
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Sun 8/3/2009 Rabbi Alexander Hammond - "Ad D'loi Yodah"
Mon 9/3/2009 Rabbi Yehudah Boruch Lieberman - "Purim, Making the Most of It"
Tue 10/3/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman - "The Secret of Purim - My???ry"
Wed 11/3/2009 Rabbi Aaron Jacobson - "Topical Theme"
Thu 12/3/2009 Rabbi Dovid Stern - "Machatzis Hashekel"
Fri 13/3/2009 Rabbi Leibish Heller - "Insights into Parshas Ki Sisoh"
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Sun 1/3/2009 Rabbi Pinchos Breuer - "Shivisi Hashem L'negdi Tomid"
Mon 2/3/2009 Rabbi Shmiel Zilberberg - "The Contemporary war against Amalek"
Tue 3/3/2009 Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair - "Kiddush Hashem"
Wed 4/3/2009 Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz - "Geula and Acharis Hayomim"
Thu 5/3/2009 Rabbi Yaakov Hamer - "The Four Parshiyos: Parshas Zochor"
Fri 6/3/2009 Rabbi Eliyohu Grunfeld - "The Relevance of Parshas Zochor to Us"
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Sun 22/2/2009 Rabbi Eliezer Lieber Schneebalg - "Dinei Momnos"
Mon 23/2/2009 Rabbi Leib Keleman - "The Sixth Dialect: Communicating When Words Are Not Enough"
Tue 24/2/2009 Rabbi Moshe Shlomo Emanuel - "Tefillin: our Bond with Infinite Time and Space PART 2"
Wed 25/2/2009 Dr Shlomo Adler - "999 - Biological References in Chazal"
Thu 26/2/2009 The Nikolsburger Rebbe - HaRav Yosef Yechiel Mechel Lebovits - "The Kedoshim from Mumbai - Ahavas Yisroel"
Fri 27/2/2009 Rabbi Joseph Pearlman - "Parshas Terumah - The Power of the Letter Vov"
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Sun 15/2/2009 The Pittsburger Rebbe, HaRav Mordechai Leifer - "Yemei HaShovevim"
Mon 16/2/2009 Rabbi Rashi Simon - "Ta'amei ha-Mitzvos"
Tue 17/2/2009 Rabbi Raphy Garson - "Redeeming the Jewish Captive and negotiating with terrorists"
Wed 18/2/2009 Rabbi Moshe Lazerus - "A Practicle shiur in Ahavas Hashem"
Thu 19/2/2009 Rabbi Yonason Chody - "Series on Amira L'akum - Part 1: Introduction � Asking, Hinting and Benefitting"
Fri 20/2/2009 Rabbi Dovid Connick - "Insights into Parshas Mishpotim"
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Sun 8/2/2009 Rabbi Raphael Gelley - "Tu B'Shvat"
Mon 9/2/2009 Rabbi Yehuda Brodie - "Going back to Mitzrayim - Pessach in the Cairo Hilton"
Tue 10/2/2009 Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Taub - "What is a Reshus HoRabim"
Wed 11/2/2009 Rabbi Sholom Segal - "Parshas Yisro: Snakes & Ladders"
Thu 12/2/2009 Rabbi Yakov Yehuda Salomon - "True Simcha"
Fri 13/2/2009 Rabbi Akiva Ziskind - "Insights into Parshas Beshalach"
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Sun 1/2/2009 Dayan Yom Tov Sanger - "A Bris Shelo Bizmano"
Mon 2/2/2009 Rabbi Shmuel Moshe Goldberg - "Tefillah & Bitochon - Parnoso"
Tue 3/2/2009 Rabbi Joey Grunfeld - "Bucket - The Mazal of Sh'vat"
Wed 4/2/2009 Rabbi Avrohom Schorr - "The Mitzvah of Tefillin"
Thu 5/2/2009 Rabbi Yechiel Emanuel - "Kiddush Levono"
Fri 6/2/2009 Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky - "Insights into Parshas Beshalach"
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Sun 25/1/2009 Rabbi Dovid Potash - "Shnayim Mikroh"
Mon 26/1/2009 Rabbi Simcha Kook - "Our Task During War"
Tue 27/1/2009 Rabbi Yair Kramer - "Stealing from Hakodosh Boruch Hu"
Wed 28/1/2009 Rabbi Moshe Shlomo Emanuel - "Tefillin: Our Bond with Infinite Time and Space (Part 1)"
Thu 29/1/2009 Rabbi Aron Jacobson - "Wby Borrow?"
Fri 30/1/2009 Rabbi Shimon Green - "Insights into Parshas Bo"
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Sun 18/1/2009 Rabbi Dov Brezak - "Respect & Disrespect"
Mon 19/1/2009 Rabbi Yonason Roodyn - "Chayecha Kodmin - Priorities in Chessed"
Tue 20/1/2009 Rabbi Mordche Steinhaus - "Topical Theme"
Wed 21/1/2009 Dayan Abraham David - "Birchas Kohanim"
Thu 22/1/2009 Rabbi Chaim Morgenstern - "Holding on to Inspiration"
Fri 23/1/2009 Rabbi Shaye Portnoy - "Insights into Parshas Voeroh"
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Sun 11/1/2009 Rabbi Chaim Halpern - "The Importance of Shovevim"
Mon 12/1/2009 Rabbi Yaacov Benzaquen - "A Bar-Mitzvah's Chiyuv of Shehecheyanu"
Tue 13/1/2009 Rabbi Joseph Freilich - "The Mystery of the Burning Bush"
Wed 14/1/2009 Rabbi Yankie Cooper - "The Tafkid of Shoes"
Thu 15/1/2009 Rabbi Yossi David - "Gezel Akum"
Fri 16/1/2009 Rabbi Avraham Hassan - "Why did we need to be slaves in Mitzrayim?"
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Sun 4/1/2009 Rabbi Doniel Orzel - "Shiur & Demonstration - What's Behind a Mikveh"
Mon 5/1/2009 Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman - "Yaakov & Yosef The Winning Combination"
Tue 6/1/2009 Dayan Shmuel Simons - "Topical Theme"
Wed 7/1/2009 Rabbi Aaron Hersh - "Understanding Chodesh Teves"
Thu 8/1/2009 Rabbi Mordechai Nissim - "Acharis Hayomim"
Fri 9/1/2009 Rabbi Yossi Cohen - "Yaakov Ovinu's Brochos"
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Sun 28/12/2008 Rabbi Shlomo Freshwater - "Inyonei De'yoma"
Mon 29/12/2008 Dayan Yaakov Yisroel Lichtenstein - "The Special connection with HKDB''H"
Tue 30/12/2008 Rabbi Danny Kirsch - "Choosing Names"
Wed 31/12/2008 Rabbi Zecharia Jacobson - "Did the Ovos Keep the whole Torah?"
Thu 1/1/2009 Rabbi Mendy Chissick - "Al Tirzgu Baderech"
Fri 2/1/2009 Rabbi Ephraim Klyne - "Insights into Parshas Vayigash"
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Thu 25/12/2008 Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury - "Chanukah � A Time to Think"
Thu 25/12/2008 Dayan Menachem Gelley - "Ner Shabbos vs Ner Chanukah"
Thu 25/12/2008 Rabbi Dovid Cohn - "The Brocho of She�osoh Nissim"
Thu 25/12/2008 Rabbi Chaim Schmahl - "Seasonal Inyonei De�yoma"
Thu 25/12/2008 Rabbi Shimon Winegarten - "Eitzoh Amukoh"
Fri 26/12/2008 Rabbi Zvi Belovski - "Shem Mi�shmuel: We Are All Kohanim for Chanukah"
Fri 26/12/2008 Rabbi Chaim Halpern - "Plag Ha�minchoh"
Fri 26/12/2008 Rabbi Yisroel Meir Greenberg - "Middas Hod"
Fri 26/12/2008 Rabbi Pinchos Roberts - "Mizmor Shir Chanukas Ha�bayis"
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Sun 21/12/2008 Rabbi Doniel Rowe - "An 'Enlightening' Topic"
Mon 22/12/2008 Rabbi Dovid Roberts - "The Roots of Chanukah"
Tue 23/12/2008 Rabbi Dovid Sulzbacher - "Lighting the Menorah in Shul"
Wed 24/12/2008 Rabbi Michoel Scharf - "The production of Dairy Products"
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Sun 14/12/2008 Rabbi Meir Rappaport - "Amiroh Lenochri Lifnei Shabbos"
Mon 15/12/2008 Rabbi Avrohom Weiniger - "Inyonei Parshas Vayeishev"
Tue 16/12/2008 Rabbi Mordechai Leitner - "Bayomim Hoheim Basman Hazeh"
Wed 17/12/2008 Rabbi Mordechai Bakst - "Inyonei Teffilah"
Thu 18/12/2008 Rabbi Jeremy Conway - "Kashrus in the World of Food Technology"
Fri 19/12/2008 Rabbi Yehoshua Meir Freshwater - "Insights into Parshas Vayeishev"
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Sun 7/12/2008 Rabbi Yehudah Silver - "Who are the Pachim Ketanim?"
Mon 8/12/2008 Rabbi Anthony Manning - "Why we are not allowed on the Har Habayis?"
Tue 9/12/2008 Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halstuk - "Hilchos Nedorim - Haloche L'Maaseh"
Wed 10/12/2008 Rabbi Leibish Heller - "Parshas Vayishlach"
Thu 11/12/2008 Rabbi Dovid Stern - "Gid Ha'nosheh Shel Neveiloh"
Fri 12/12/2008 Rabbi Yitzchok Hirsch - "Insights into Parshas Vayishlach"
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Sun 30/11/2008 Rabbi Moshe Bunim Krausz - "Kashrus of Gelatin"
Mon 1/12/2008 Rabbi Menachem Lieberman - "Chatzitzoh with Tefillin"
Tue 2/12/2008 Rabbi Dovid Koenig - "Shemittoh in the 8th Year"
Wed 3/12/2008 Rabbi Osher Zelig Rubinstein - "How to Triumph Over a Lovon"
Thu 4/12/2008 Rabbi Chaim Yitzchok Greenblatt - "Titein Emes Le�yaakov"
Fri 5/12/2008 Rabbi Yitzchok Ziskind - "Chinuch Learned from our Avos & Imahos"
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Sun 23/11/2008 Rabbi Dr Dovid Gottleib - "Anti-Semitism"
Mon 24/11/2008 Dr Sholom Springer - "Am Hanivchor"
Tue 25/11/2008 Rabbi Avrohom Rockmill - "Surviving in Turbulent times"
Wed 26/11/2008 Rabbi Doniel Mann - "An Introduction to Bitul B'Rov"
Thu 27/11/2008 Rabbi Chaim Freshwater - "Topical Theme"
Fri 28/11/2008 Rabbi Osher Sternbuch - "Insights into Parshas Toldos"

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Sun 16/11/2008 Rabbi Joseph Pearlman & Rabbi Shimon Hirschler
Mon 17/11/2008 Rabbi Boruch Dzialowski - "The Heter to Drink Milk"
Tue 18/11/2008 Rabbi Avrohom Osher Cohen - "Topical Theme"
Wed 19/11/2008 Rabbi Hillel Belsky - "Hischadshus in Avoda"
Thu 20/11/2008 Rabbi Joseph Freilich - "How to Speak Well"
Fri 21/11/2008 Rabbi Moshe Halpern - "Oron in the Hold: How Kohanim Can Fly"

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